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"My favourite color.....black and uh forest green..." I say and Dr. Kim looks up with a smile. "Have you any reason why those two colors are your favourite?" he asks and I ponder on thought. "I think I always just liked them" I say and he jots it down.

"I am going to show you some other colors here and I want you to tell me your thoughts about them" he says pointing to a screen.

The first one was Gray. "Plain"

Yellow. "Sunshine"

Pink. "babies" 

Red. "Fear and anger"

and the last one...purple. I looked at the screen and it made me feel different. "Nina?" Dr. Park calls out. "Love" I breathed. 

Dr. Kim looks up at me and studies my expression for a while. 

"Very well Nina, you did great for this first session. What you just did is color therapy and we're going to continue with this for the next few months" he says.

Months? I'm here for months? I get back into my sulky depressed mood which slightly turns into anger. "Nina...we have one more exercise for today and that's it, we're going to go deep into your mind, if you allow me that is" he says and I got scared.

"No not surgically Nina" Dr. Park says and I breathed a sigh of relief.  "Psychologically" Dr. Kim says. 

I nod and look at my feet. 

"We'll take a break, we don't want you exhausted. Please enjoy your break. There is a lovely cafeteria that will suit your needs. If you please excuse me" He says and stands up. I guess that's our cue to leave.

Dr. Park walks close behind me until we were outside. "Dr. P-" "I told you to call me Jimin, we're friends right?" He asks. 

"Jimin, I need to pee. I don't know where the washrooms are" I say and he chuckles. He motions to walks forward and I did.

"Hey Hye-Ra, could you show us to the bathroom please" Dr. Park says and she eyes me carefully.

"Yes, it's right down this corridor, third right is female, third left is male and fourth right is the family room" she says quietly at the end. "Thank you" he says and he we walked towards her directions.

"Are you okay Nina?" Dr. Park asks with genuine concern. "I'm okay" I say looking at the floor. 

"You know Nina, the living conditions of this facility is different from ours. As you a new you will have to stay in the facility but as you progress you have the option to stay out and visit as needed" he says. 

"What are you trying to say Jimin?" I asked. "I-just want you to get better that's all, I'll come to visit when I'm free which is every two days on the evenings" he says.

What was it that shot down my bit of hope? Did I want another answer?

"Why did you stop? You made me step on your foot" I say. "Didn't you want to pee?" He asks. 

I looked down at feet once more and cursed mentally. "Yes. Wait for me" I say and he nods. After quickly doing my business, I washed my hand in the warm water and looked into the mirror. Dark eye bags, exhausted face, chapped lips.

I looked like shit.

I walked outside expected to see Jimin but I didn't and started to panic internally. "I'm right here Nina" I heard and turned to see him sitting on a chair near by. "I will not leave you" he says and he stands up, coming closer. 

"Will you eat now?" he asks. "Yes" I simply replied and we walked towards the cafeteria which was huge by the way. Almost like a mall. "Hey guys" Taehyung says waving to us from nearby. 

"Hey, we'll be right back" Jimin  says and we walked towards where the food was sold. "Fried chicken, and kimchi ramyun?" he asks. "You know it and um coconut water" I say. 

He quickly ordered and we made our way back to Taehyung. "How was your first session Nina?" He asks in between bites of his juicy steak burger. "It was okay" I say sipping on my coconut water. 

"Good to know" He says with a smile. "Would you like to try a piece?" he asks motioning to the burger bringing it closer to my lips.

"She doesn't eat beef" Jimin says before I can respond. "Ah okay sorry" he says. "Do you know of your living arrangements yet?" He asks. "Actually after we all finish have lunch we can go check that out. You have about two hours again until your next session" Jimin says.

Just then a lady comes by with a trolley fill with our foods. "Thank you" I said quietly and she smiles at me. "This is delicious but expensive" Taehyung says lifting his burger. "Yeah it is but it's really good" Jimin says munching at his beef burger. 

"Did you want some Ramyun Taehyung?" he asks. "No I already finished mine, way too good" he says and I smiled a little at his clumsiness; the steak juices leaking down his chin.

"Like yours?" Jimins asks. "I do, it's tasty, like my mother's...." I said reminiscing, something I should not have done. Wiping away some tears, I took a deep breath and began eating again. 

"You know you're right, this tastes like your mother's, she was a brilliant cook Nina" Jimin says taking a bite from my fried chicken. 

"She would be glad that you're eating, maybe even scold you for eating too much friend chicken" he teases which makes me smile, she really would've. 

"Guys I am on call, so I need to go. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. I will visit you when I can" Taehyung says to me.

"That's okay" I said and he finishes his fries and leave. "Do you like him?" Jimin suddenly asks and I looked at him strangely.

"Taehyung? No I don't" I said. "It seems that way" he says focusing on his food.

"Why does it matter to you Jimin?" I asked pushing around my food. "Just looking out for you, you know" He says. 

"Ok" I said and remained quiet, only our slurping and chewing was heard. I leaned back patting my stomach, Jimin doing the same. "Ready to see your room?" He asks.

"Well it's now or never" I replied.

The Boy in my Dreams (JJK)Where stories live. Discover now