Where to begin ...

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* Luna's pov *

Hello , my names Monica , aka LunaTheCat . Where do I begin with this ? I'm not sure to be honest , but I'll try . There is a war going on , a war between worlds . You may not know much about it , but there are two worlds on earth . Mortal earth , which you probably live on , and fantasy earth , which I live on . Regular humans live in the world we all know , but people like me , we live in a secret place that no one knew about , until now . You see , a few people of our kind questioned why humans couldn't know about us , so they went out into mortal world and were caught . Now mortal world is trying to find us and kill all of us . I am a wizard , witch , what ever you wanna call me . My best friend Alyssa , or xAlic3InWond3rlandx , is a mermaid . And one more member that you probably know is Liam , or Hbomb , and he's a shapeshifter . We are special cause we can hide in mortal world , as only a few can . Lately there have been more sightings of our kind on the news , hopefully this will all blow over but I know it won't ..... Damn .

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