Closer to him , closer to them

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*  Monica's POV *

I woak up the next morning hearing Will's quiet voice talking to another couple of people in the room, I think it was Parker and Tofuu . Anyways, they were talking about what to do today since pax was postponed one day . I quietly eavesdropped on them.

Parker: well we have to go to the convention center because we have to get our passes.

Tofuu: then maybe after that we can go around town . Jordan could show us some cool places.

Will: sure. I'm cool with that .

Then they got extremely quiet before Parker started speaking again.

Parker: you have feelings for her don't you ? I can see it in your eyes whenever you look at her .

Tofuu: yeah , anyone can tell.

Will: I mean we are like best friends .

Parker: yeah , best friends.

Tofuu: well I'll leave you with your thoughts.

Parker: yeah but seriously , if you don't act someone could get her before you.

Then they left . I heard will shuffle around before he sat down beside me , mumbling to himself.

Will: do I have feelings for her ? I love talking with her and now that we are here in person I do not want to be around anyone else. Maybe I do care about her more then a friend . Maybe tonight I'll ask her if she wants to go out somewhere , just the two of us. Maybe I'll ask Jordan if there are any parks close by , or dinner? ....

Then he got up and went to the other side of the room before he spoke again.

Will: I'm really falling hard , and I'm falling fast .

I heard him shuffle around the room again before he sat down beside me on my side of the bed . I suppressed a cold chill as he ran his fingers over my arm and shoulder. He continues to do this for another minute before he left for the bathroom . I sat up and stretched , smiling as wide as humanly possible.

He has fallen for me . Me .

I stood up and went to grab my clothes , which was a maroon sweater with skinny jeans and my signature black converse . I was almost done fixing my hair when will came out of the bathroom ( in the outfit above ). He smiled at me before grabbing his phone and taking a picture of the two of us for Twitter and Instagram with the caption: Ready for you Seattle !

After 10 more minutes we went downstairs to meet with everyone else before we left for the convention center.

* one hour later *

We arrived at the convention center and it shouldn't have been terrifying, but it was .

There was a lot of men and women from the government around the outside and inside . They had huge guns and other sorts of things that are used on our kind. We stopped outside and I grabbed Liam's and Alyssa's hands before we got out.

When we went inside to get our passes I clung to Will's arm , him holding me close. When we went outside the building one of our kind whom was a major troublemaker and was thrown in our " jail " was being caught outside by their government. Me, Alyssa , and Liam hurried to the car , not watching.

When we left I curled up into Will's side and watched Alyssa and Liam as they zoned out. When we stopped at the Cheesecake Factory, which is where we went to eat, everyone left to go inside but Will asked me to stay inside the car for a minute. When the last person, which was Devon , closed the door Will scooted close to me.

Will: are you ok ? You seem tense .... Is it about what happened outside the convention center ?

Me: I'm fine , I just hate seeing innocent people be killed and tortured .

Will: me too ... But we have nothing to worry about.

Me: yeah ..... I guess so .

He gave me a odd look before we were interrupted by Parker knocking on the door. We left and went inside with our friends.

* Seven hours later , 8 p.m at the cube house. "

After a long day out shopping and going around town we are finally back at the cube house . I am completely exhausted. Almost everyone went straight to bed , everyone except for me . I sat in a chair in mine and Will's room , watching him sleep peacefully . I sat thinking of tomorrow, we'll thinking isn't the right word. I'm worried , terrified. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and went to bed , nightmares being scared away by Will's arms around me .....

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