Pax Prime

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*Luna's Pov *

Today is the day we travel to pax prime . The war has only gotten worse lately , with more of us captured . The mortal goverment has now captured 20 of us , including the ones who started this . Lately it has died down , but I feel as though pax might be different . Anyways , I got dressed in comfy clothes and waited with Alyssa at the bottom of the tower . I played with my newest skill , Gravity , by making Alyssa's phone float in the air . I have many talents now , and so do Alyssa and H . Alyssa can control water and sound , and H can transform into almost any animal in existence . As soon as H came down we left , all of us taking our own ways . We agreed to meet in Seattle on one of the beaches in a secluded area where we could not be seen . Alyssa took to the ocean , so did H since he turned into a dolphin . I , however , took to the sky . What is cool about wizards is that every one has a different thing they are born with . I have dark black wings , some have cat eyes , others have gills . We all are different . Anyways , I took to the sky's , gliding above the clouds . All the while I day dreamed of Will . Yes , I have a huge crush on Kiingtonq Will , but I will never tell him . I have for about a year or two , probably since I first started watching his videos . Same for Alyssa with Bayani , and H with Graser . I should focus on flying huh ?

About two hours later I arrived at the beach we were to meet at . I was late as usual , still having will in my head . I retracted my wings and we left to the airport to meet with everyone for the first time .

After another hour we arrived at the airport and made it seem like we were getting off the plane . We walked inside and looked for everyone . We soon found a few people , Bayani being one of them . Me and H went to hug him first but Alyssa was hesitant . Bayani noticed her and went forwards her .

Bayani: scared of me now ? Come give me a hug .

I could see the nervousness clear in her eyes as she hugged the slightly taller boy . I smiled , knowing they will get together somehow . We got some food at the airport and waited in the last few people . Soon Will showed up and I swear my stomach flew to my throat . He was a lot hotter in person , and his accent was stronger . He also was a lot taller than me , him being 6' and me only 5'6 . He finally saw me and hugged me tight , us standing like that for awhile before someone made a noise , signifying that they were ready to leave . I blushed , walking with H and Alyssa, Will trailing behind .

About two hours later we were all hanging out at the cube house , watching random TV and just enjoying being together . Graser had finally joined us and him and H have been inseparable . I smiled as they prepared a video together . Me and will were sprawled out across a love seat , listening to his music and tweeting out to the fans like crazy . I happened to look up just as I saw the news flash up , and the topic of the night being our kind .

Reporter: tonight we will talk about the war with the monsters that are taking over our world . We have just captured two more outside the Pax Prime convention tonight , the convention being post poned one more day to make sure the area in secure and there are no more inside .

It then showed a picture of the two . I did not know them but they could have been there to see us . I looked over to will , who had a sad look on his face as he watched . Good , he is on our side . Anyways , they were about to show the others cut up when I snatched the remote away from grape and turned it off .

Grape: hey, what was that for ?

Me: I don't enjoy watching that thank you .

Will: me either . I feel quite sick to be honest , do you wanna come with me ?

Me: yes .

So we left the room and went upstairs . We both went into Will's room and laid down on his bed , both of us feeling sick from that . I yawned and turned to face will , watching him as he did whatever on his phone . He took a picture of us cuddled on his bed for Twitter with the caption cuddle buddy . I laughed as fans went crazy . Will went to take a shower as I laid fully in his bed , under the covers . I curled into a ball and drifted off slightly , daydreaming of cuddling with will . Me and him are sharing a room since all of the others are taken , which we didn't mind . Alyssa was with Bayani , H with Graser , rusher and Mitch , Kevin and TYBZI, Kermit and grape , and Julio and devon . Everyone else was in hotels elsewhere. Anyways , about 20 minutes later will was done with his shower and came out of the bathroom with only a towel on . I blushed hard as I stared , him not knowing that I was awake . He went and sat at his computer , doing something before turning it off and coming towards the bed . I faked sleep to see what he would do and I heard him talking about not sleeping naked for me . He shuffled away for a minute and was back again under the covers with me . My heart was beating a mile a minute as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to his bare chest . I felt him laugh and he came close to my ear .

Will: goodnight you faker .

I couldn't help but laugh , turning to face him . We laughed for a minute before actually going to sleep , facing each other .

Did I mention that will is my best friend ? Yeah ....

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