Paper Work

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Aizawa sat staring at the story with his reading glasses propped up on his nose. It was interesting to think about, and it left him with a lot of questions. Such as: how did the kid survive the stomach of a werewolf? What does the stomach of a werewolf look like? And would it be okay to ask him about that? Aizawa shook his head and squinted at the paper again turning the page to look at the kids official "student file". That's what All Might insisted they call them anyways. It did sound better than "prison records".

There was a picture on the file. A red headed boy, 16, wearing a beautifully made red skirt and matching hood. Aizawa had to admit this Kirishima had some eye for dressing himself. The mummy flicked his eyes to the yellow haired demon leaning against the chair across from him. Hizashi Yamada, Aizawa's best friend since he was captured and thrown into the Bludgeoning manor so long ago, was now burning another pentagram into the side of his chair nervously. Aizawa gave one last glance at the paper before saying anything.

"He's just a normal kid," he said bluntly. Hizashi stopped his graffiti and furrowed his eyebrows.

"But what about those teeth?" The demon asked stallingly.

"They don't resemble any teeth of any known monsters. They are too large to be vampiric, and they are too dull to be werewolf."

"But then how would he have them if he's not a monster?" Hizashi asked even more confused.

"It's not impossible for humans to have monstrous traits. We have the same genetics after all. It's likely he just gained some teeth from an ancestor. That's probably where he got the hair too." Aizawa looked at the image of the boy once again agreeing with himself.

"So what are we gonna do?"

That was the real question. What could they do? This kid wasn't a monster, but he would still be treated like one. Aizawa sighed he'd never survive the other monsters in here either. They had to send him back to his village. Maybe they'd treat him better back there?

"We'll just have to send him back to his home."

"They're threatening to burn him Aizawa," Hizashi interjected.

Well that was different. Villagers who wanted someone burned didn't simply stop when someone told them they didn't actually have a reason to burn anybody. They were persistent. Aizawa furrowed his brow again he just wanted to go to bed.

"Fine I'll meet him, but we're gonna have to figure something out for him. Okay?" Hizashi smiled wide and summoned a tea with his magic and handed it to his tired husband.

"Thank you dear! I'll let him into your office soon! You won't regret this!"

"That's doubtful," Aizawa thought taking a sip of his tea.

The front gate of Bludgeoning manor. Wasn't it a beaut. That is if you have great appreciation for dark spooky gates. Cobwebs, large stone walls, iron bars, the light glow of a magic barrier, really it had everything an ominous building needed in a gate. Kirishima looked up at the beautifully horrifying architecture nervously. He had been waiting outside the gates for about 10 minutes now. The Monster Hunters had just taken him up to the gates and stopped moving. When he tried to ask what was going on they just told him to wait.

As Kirishima was attempting to gain the courage to ask the Monster Hunters what he was waiting for, the gate opened. Dark fog rolled out from behind the magical barrier slowly enveloping Kirishima who was now terrified. Two red eyes opened in the fog, and a large smile appeared. A loud voice echoed out of the fog.

"I hope you haven't been kept waiting for too long." Kirishima turned to the Monster Hunters who had all run off into the distance. The only Monster Hunter left behind was a red headed woman. Dressed in full Monster Hunter garb her red eyes full of duty and mischief as she looked into the fog. She had red hair that reached her elbows messily framing her face. Of course Kirishima noticed none of this while he was attempting to run away while the fog that wrapped itself around him restricted him from doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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