The Bludgening

42 0 3

(Monsters Reputation With Villagers)

(Kirishima is absent from this Bludgeoning)
{Reason Behind Absence}
[Not Yet Apart Of Mansion]

(Let this month's Bludgeoning begin)

This months Bludgeoning began as every Bludgeoning does, with the ringing of three bells.

Well not three different bells, just the same large bell in the center of town being rung three times. Originally All For One was going to get multiple bells, but then against it as bells are expensive! You'd  think making a dramatic medieval town with a very sinister message of feeding off people's fear of monsters wouldn't be that expensive! But no, instead your stuck with all the problems! Being an evil, discriminatory, power hungry tyrant, who feeds off the feud between humans and monsters for your own personal gain is a lot harder than you'd think.

Of course it wasn't always this way. There was a time when the monsters and humans where considered one incoherent species, but then humans did what they always do.

They fucked it up terribly.

I mean seriously it was a blood bath. After the ones now known as humans realized they were less strong than the other humans with claws and fangs, they started an uprising and started attacking all humans born with any features that were odd or creepy. Now a days it's so rare for humans to be born with monstrous traits it's barely ever brought up.

Oh dear I've gotten horribly off topic!

Back to the Bludgeoning!

A large stage is set off in the back of town square rusted and tomato splattered by passing time. The audience stands waiting until they hear it.

"Let out the beasts!"

Led by guards carrying chains attached to each of the monsters, well everyone except the green haired ghost. That guard just held a vacuum cleaner and a malicious look on his face. The ghost in question looked significantly less happy about the situation. After every monster had been properly stood on the stage in a shoulder to shoulder line, Mayor Overhaul spoke once again.

"Welcome everyone to this months Bludgeoning!" He exclaimed, receiving a significant amount of applause from the towns folk. "Now, you all know the rules! Ask any questions you want to the beasts! Throw whatever you please!"

From the crowd came a tomato that was ceremonially chucked at Sir Endeavor of House Todoroki. Aka. Bad Dad. Despite his nobility and high rank no one in the village particularly likes him, so they started a tradition: who ever could hit Endeavor at big events with his own families tomatoes got free drinks at the pub that Saturday. Everyone wanted free drinks on Saturday.

It seemed today only one villager had tried the ancient bargain failing miserably. Maybe next time

Anyways the monsters on stage. Children. Teenagers more like. An array of like 20 hormonal freaks, about the size of a class of students.

Nakano Akane, head of the monster gatherers an organization working with leader All For One to find and capture monsters, comes forward solemnly. Her long red hair and matching red eyes show a hint of remorse that is easily mistaken as sweat as she makes her announcement.

"Let the bludgeoning begin!"

The insults begin quickly and questions are invasive to say the least. Berating of Shinso and Denki is as usual common as they were allegedly found trying to escape together last month. Many townfolk have taken to the idea that they are best friends and should be separated. They show this by making fun of them and insinuating that they are dating eachother. Denki holds back laughter because of how ironic it is.

Shoto Todoroki a most hated figure of the monsters ever since it was revealed he was a vampire just two years ago. His father Endeavor threw him out on site.

"Hey Blood breath! How's that see through boyfriend of yours?!" His brother Dabi mocked. Shoto did not answer.

"Now, now Shoto answer the boys question!" Someone yelled sadistically, "you know the rules!"

Todoroki took a deep breath and sighed.

"Midorya is fine." A wave of laughter overtook the crowed as all the townspeople threw tomatoes at the green ghost boy who looked on the verge of tears.

It took a while for the crowd to settle down again before the final question was asked.

"Fleabags! You come up," someone shouted. "Fleabags" or Katsuki Bakugou to anyone who wasn't safely in a crowd of crazed village people was the most chained monster of them all. A full head brace that restricted his mouth and fully encasing hand cuffs were fashioned uncomfortable to the wolf's body. Bakugou walked forward snapping at crowd members. His eyes were narrowed and angry (but honestly when were they not) when he finally reached the front.

"Yes?" Said with all the patience of a person who has been surrounded by idiots their whole life.

"You know anything about that redheaded freak Kirishima?" A rise of laughter an spreading of speak went through the crowd. Not all had heard of Kirishima yet.

Bakugou growled.

"What kind of fucking question is that huh?! Who do you think I am a fucking physic? You stupid fucking human! I'll rip your heart out!" Bakugou lunged immediately being pulled back by chains, and by worried Aizawas. An uproar of screams and anger followed Bakugou's actions. Tomatoes were thrown at the boy and also one hit Tokoyami slap dang through his beak.

Tokoyami was this close to retirement.

Bakugou continued to bark and growl as he was pulled away from the stage. Once again revoked of his right to walk through town.

"Settle down. Settle down everyone," All for One smiled, this was as he intended. "Let's not scare the children too much. We all know what comes next! For the next 2 hours these beasts will be released on the town in chains. As is tradition all should be advised to keep their distance. That is all!" He stood up his team of council members followed suit. All of the townspeople rushed to their homes in preparation for an afternoon of exile.

The end to another perfect Bludgeoning.

(Students That Are To Receive Free Time)
[Denki, Shinso, Midorya, Todoroki, and Tokoyami]

(Students Excluded From Free Time)
(Reason for exclusion)
[Bad Behavior]

Denki spends his free time attempting to steal a loaf of bread.
Shinso and Tokoyami bond over Denki's failure.
Todoroki reads under a tree.
Midorya attempts to pick flowers near Todoroki but cannot pick them up. Todoroki helps him.

(The village children wonder watch Midorya and wonder what's so wrong with monsters)

(Monsters Reputation With Villagers)

(Eijiro Kirishima's Status)
{Almost to the mansion}

{To The Bludgeoning}

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