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Heyo guys!
Welcome to The Bludgeoning!

Basically this whole book is a Bnha fanfiction that takes place in a universe where everyone is there Halloween costumes!

More will be explained later but here are the basics for now.

Kirishima is not apart of the class yet but will join later you just gotta keep reading!

Shinso is also apart of the class!

Bludgeoning is a mansion that is about a mile away from the main town LOV were you (the villagers) live.

Your Mayor is All For One the mighty amazing man we all love!

Every month a annual event known as "The Bludgeoning" takes place were the humans of LOV can ask the monsters questions, throw tomatoes at their face, poke the monsters with fire, just all around annoy the hell out of these monsters. And the more a monster gets tormented the longer they can spend in town (in chains and heavily guarded of course.)

The mansion is heavily guarded and protected. The only person authorized to go in and out of the mansion without getting trouble are the village monster hunters.

Aizawa, All Might, and Present Mic are the oldest monsters that live in the mansion, and take care of the younger monsters.

Any monsters trying to escape will be killed.

The first chapter will be describing the Bludgeoning that was taken the month before Kirishima became apart of the mansion, so keep that in mind when taking actions.

Comment on this chapter what actions you want to take and what your villager looks like if you want more of a description!

You can join at any point!

But anyways please enjoy and happy bludgeoning!

(Also, also I posted an announcement that talked a little bit more about this book on my account profile so check it out!)

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