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After meeting up with Joey, I got back in my car to start heading home when my phone buzzed. Thinking that it might be Facebook or one of my games, I ignored it and went back to the task of driving home.
Once home though, Keir and Bruce were waiting for me by the front door. Parking my car in the driveway, I made sure to hide my hat and glasses in the furthest parts of my purse. I smiled as I made my way towards both men, though neither gave me any emotion back.
"Where have you been, Kara?", Keir asked once I stood right in front of them. They were both blocking my path to inside of the house, I only hoped that they would give up quick since I was tired and it was getting late.
"I told you earlier, hanging out with some girls from my old work." I shrugged my shoulders at the men and squeezed between them, making my way up the stairs only to have Keir following me as Bruce locked up for the night.
"Is that so?"
"Um, yeah, that is so.", I replied as we entered my room. I threw my purse on my bed as I made my way into the bathroom to change for bed and to wash my face.
"Then how come all the ladies from your old work say that haven't heard from you since your last day?"
I peaked out at Keir from my closet, he was leaning against the counter of my sink, staring at my jacuzzi tub with a scowl on his face. I quickly pulled back into my closet to finish changing into clothes as I tried to figure out what to say.
"They're probably trying to play a trick, those girls can be pretty funny."
"Last chance, Kara."
I walked out of the closet in my pajama pants and tank, I kept my face straight as I tried to challenge Keir who was know scowling at me. I walked towards him, ignoring him at first as I began pulling my hair back to wash my make up off.
"Where were you tonight?"
"Hanging out with the girls from work."
In a flash, I was on my back on the tile floor, Keir on top holding my wrists above my head. My vision was kind of hazy and the back of my head was throbbing as I tried to wiggle from Keir.
"Why do you insist on lying to me, Kara? Do you not remember that I have constant tabs on you?", Keir asked like he was lecturing a child. My vision had cleared up and I could see the same scowl on his face.
"I'm not lying to you and why did you fucking attack me, get the fuck off!"
"Kara! I know you went to go see Joey!"
My heart sank along with my stomach, though I tried to keep a straight face so he wouldn't see me be scared. His face was still in the same scowl and I couldn't figure out why he wasn't showing any other emotion on his face, it was starting to piss me off.
"Who fucking cares who I go see? It's my fucking life and you're not my parent so get the fuck off, Keir!", I spat as I began wiggling even more. I was using full force this time and I could tell that he was having a hard time keep a hold of me.
"Do you not recall that you're mine? You've been promised to me and that we are always under scrutinizing? Shit is going to hit the fan if you keep meeting with him, people will start thinking you're cheating on me and possibly find out the truth!"
"And what about you?"
"What about me, Kara?"
"Where the fuck are you at all the hours of the night? Come home at midnight or even early morning, I could have sworn I heard a woman's giggle the other night."
My vision was blurry and my cheek was stinging, I could feel Keir's weight shift and then being pulled up. He then threw me onto my bed, my head hitting the pillow thankfully as he climbed on top once again.
"Kara, do I have to punish you?"
"What are you talking about?"
I then remembered from our first fight about Joey, how I had hickies all over my neck and breasts for almost two weeks. My vision was now clear and I could see that scowl was gone and something else was there instead, a blank emptiness. I realized he had the same look last time as well and I began to panic.
"Stop wiggling, Kara!"
"No get the fuck off!"
I moved ever which way, trying my best to get a hand or leg free to help him get off. Unfortunately, I was also really thirsty since I hadn't had anything to drink since my only cup of coffee with Joey so I couldn't give Keir a nice loogie to the face.
Suddenly, the door swung open and there stood Bruce, his face blank as he came towards us. He calmly picked Keir up and took him out of the room, closing the door behind them. I quickly ran to lock it, falling down against the door as tears fell down my cheeks.
I was scared, I was mad, and I was thankful for Bruce.


"Ma'm, may I come in?"
I woke up with a start, the light shinned bright through my windows as I pushed myself up from the floor. My whole body ached as I pushed myself up from the floor to peek out at Bruce on the other side of my door.
"It's just me with some coffee."
I pulled the door open more as I took the warm mug from his extended hand, walking over to my bed as he closed the door behind him. Charlie jumped onto the end corner of my bed, Bruce standing next to him as I snuggled upright under my covers.
"I want to apologize for last night, firstly. Secondly, I want to scold you for lying."
I gawked at Bruce, this was the first time we were getting personal since this whole thing and it was kind of weird.
"Mr. Keir had no right to do any sort of thing that he did last night, truth be told, it was supposed to start and finish at the door. For whatever reason, Keir couldn't hold back and followed you. If I would have known sooner of his plans, I would have intervened on the stairs and none of that would have happened.
But you are also at fault, Ms. Kara. Lying about your whereabouts to the both of us even though you know, Keir has constant surveillance on you was not your smartest plan as of late. You know how he feels about your relationship with Mr. Edmund and I'm starting to worry myself."
I looked at up at Bruce with a mix of surprise and guilt, I had been staring down at my ever getting cold coffee his whole lecture and now it was hard to look him in the face. It was so emotionless, but at the same time, the same face your parent would give you when the principal would call home about you doing something bad.
I set my mug down on my side table and got up, heading towards my bathroom and locking the door. I started the shower and heard my door open then close as I found a song to play on my phone.
I can't remember what songs played nor if I put conditioner in my hair, but once I was out and done with other prepping of sorts, there was a scratching at the bathroom door.
Mer-ow! Mer-ow!
I smiled as I padded over to the door in my robe to let Charlie in, he scuttled in but he wasn't the only one waiting.
I tried slamming the door in his face, but he quickly held it and pushed it back. It didn't hit me, but I quickly jumped away at least five feet, Charlie scurrying into my open closet.
"Can we talk about last night?"
"No and you can fuck off." I turned my back to him as I headed towards my closet to figure out what I was wearing for the day. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew I had to get out of the house pronto.
"Kara, please."
"Why? What do you have to say about last night?! Because honestly, I should be calling the police for domestic abuse and getting the hell out of here with Charlie!"
"Is that what you want?"
I was once again peeking out of my closet at him, he was in the same spot as last night, but he was looking down at his shoes with a sad face. Pulling my jeans together to button them, I walked out of the closet, arms folded over my chest.
"What do you mean by that, Keir? Would you honestly let me leave here with my cat, no questions asked?"
"If that's what you want, I'll pay for a nice room for you two while also providing a credit card and two security guards."
I chewed on the inside of my lip as I stared at the crazy mess of a guy in front of me that still wouldn't look at me in the face. How could he so quickly do this three-sixty of a turn over night, it amazed me how he could switch personalities so fast that it made my head spin.
"Keir, why can't you look me in the face?"
"Because I don't know what I'll do."
"What do you mean by that?", I scoffed throwing out my arms to my side. I was getting really frustrated with him and this whole thing, if he could man up right now, that would be perfect!
Keir finally looked up and his eyes were just filled with millions of emotions, though his body was telling me that it was completely uncomfortable in the current situation.
"I want you to apologize to me."
We both looked at each other in shock, did I really just say the most dumbest thing right now?
"I'm sorry."
"I want you to mean it!"
"Fine! Kara, I'm sorry for last night! For blowing things out of proportion once again and hurting you not once, but twice.", Keir exploded as he quickly made an exit for the door.
I grabbed his wrist, he turned around to face me and I once again surprised us both.
I kissed him full frontal. Lips on lips. Hands on either side of his face, pulling him down to my face. Even though my eyes were closed, I could tell Keir wasn't expecting this at all and I honestly wasn't either.
I let him go and we both stood back in awe, neither looking at each other, our faces bright red.
I just had my first kiss with Keir.



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