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"Oh Charlie! I missed you so much!", I gushed at the sleeping Scottish Fold when I ran up the stairs to my open room.
He stood up to stretch and let out a soft meow as I dropped my purse on the floor to rush to my bed. Plopping on the bed, I pulled him into my lap and I recounted the past week of events in Greece and what had happened with Joey. He sat content in my lap, purring as I ran my nails over his body, too lost in his own little world then really caring about my dumb life.
After thirty minutes of non-stop blabbering to my poor cat, I decided it was time to shower the grime of the jet ride and pamper my poor skin. With Charlie following, we made our way into my extravagant bathroom, turning on the massive shower before peeling off my yoga pants and loose fitting tee. The warm water felt amazing on my skin, the smell of my coconut shampoo made me feel even more at home.
"Do you think it'd be okay if I joined?", a voice asked all of a sudden.
I jumped in the shower, trying to figure out who was in my bathroom through the slightly foggy glass. His chuckle gave him away, I could see his nice khaki shorts being attacked by Charlie as he tried to bat him out of the room.
"I'm sorry, Charlie. I just wanted to see if your mommy would let me get any closer then what happened on the yacht."
I thought back to that night we had shared where I finally threw my cares out the window. We didn't have sex, but I did let Keir feel me up while he rubbed his bulge against me non-stop.
Rinsing off my body soap, I grabbed my towel to wrap around my body before opening the door of the shower, Keir nowhere to be found. I quickly ran to my closet, ahutting the door to quickly change into another yoga pant and tee outfit. He was playing with Charlie on my bed as I ruffled my wet hair with the towel.
"Why couldn't you just wait till I was done showering?"
"Because you take forever; I thought it might make you move faster.", he chuckled as he leaned back onto my bed. Charlie sat up from his crouched position, pissed that Keir stopped playing with him.
"Well why did you want me to hurry for?"
He pointed behind me, turning around I saw Joey standing there; leaning up against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You look a little tanner, Kara.", Joey flattly complimented. I stood between both men, my mouth open a gape in confusion.
"Let me explain what he's doing here before your tiny brain explodes.", Keir chuckled as he quickly sat up.


"I still can't believe he hired you knowing our relationship.", I mused at Joey as he drove us to some unknown destination. I hadn't been home for two hours and I was already being whisked off to some other place.
"Kara, do we really have a relationship? Because from what Keir told me, you were all over him while you two were in Greece."
I looked over at Joey, his face was stone as he continued to keep his gaze on the road. I knew this would eventually be brought up, but I thought I'd have more time to figure out my feelings.
"I don't see why you have to be such a jerk to me, Joey."
The car came to a screeching dead stop in the middle of our two-lane road. Joey put the car in park, turning his whole body towards me to show the fire burning in his eyes.
"I'm being a jerk? You're the one not conveying her feelings as to who she wants to be with!"
"Well I'm in a very difficult position here, Joey; it's not like Twilight!"
Joey turned to face the wheel and gripped it hard as he leaned his head against the middle of it.
"Kara, don't even try to compare your life to some dumb, teen story."
We both then sat in silence; him with his head still on the wheel and me looking out the passenger window with my arms crossed over my chest. After a couple more minutes of silence, Joey put the car back into drive and we were on our way once again.


**Keir POV**

"Sir, do you really believe you made a wise choice in hiring that man to help Miss Kara in her aid to find her father?", Bruce asked me after he sat down a tray with water and some pretzels. I snagged a pretzel as I skimmed the last sentence of a work document.
"Honestly, I think I won Kara over. Plus, Joey is too scared of what might happen if he lays a finger on her again."
Bruce nodded his head and quietly walked out of my study. I nibbled on some more pretzels as I leaned back into my chair, thinking of just how many more minutes it would be till they would reach their destination.
I was telling the truth when I said I won her over, Greece really showed me how much she really wanted me. But the fact she was with Joey, shit could easily get messed up. That's why I not only told Joey I would do worse to him then the first time, but I also always had him bugged as soon as he reported to me for duty. Knowing that they'd be together a lot more only made me slightly more cautious, especially when I overheard their conversation only thirty minutes into the drive.
Really, Twilight?
I shook my head and stood up to walk around the rather big room. Kara could be rather dumb and annoying, but God knows she's nothing like Sophia, that blasted woman.
Even after returning home from Greece, she relentlessly called and sent emails to me to meet up for "business" meetings, but I'm not that stupid. I had sent a email to her husband to put his foot down or I would get the law and press involved; the sniveling man quickly assured me that wouldn't be necessary. Sure enough, I haven't heard from her since which was a fucking blessing to me.
With Sophia out of the way, Kara would fall in love with me and we could live happily ever after as soon as she found her dad.
I only hoped that this would all be done rather soon.


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