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Shabeelas phone alarm goes off meaning it's time to wake up and get ready for the new day

"Stupid alarm shut up" Shabeelas rolls in her bed to turn it off but she accidently rolls too far and falls onto the ground

"Ughhh omg" She groans to herself getting back up
"Why does it already have to be 9am I don't wanna do anything today"  She says while walking like a zombie to the bathroom


'OK don't be nervous Mark just ask her if she wants to sit and eat breakfast with you it's not a big deal' Mark thinks to himself and let's out a deep breath
He goes outside to find Shabeelas cabin

'Shit which one was it again I forgot' Mark thinks

He goes to the cabin that is to the right of him bc he thinks that one is Shabeelas
He goes close to the door but he hears voices coming from the open window
It sounds like 2 men so probabaly this wasnt Shabeelas cabin
Before he can step away he hears the 1 of the guys say shabeelas name so Mark stays and listens carefully

"No dad I think she's the one I want" Jhope says sitting at the table

"How are you so sure about this? You don't even know her name or anything about her" Mr. Bang crosses his arms

"Well I'm obviously not gonna let her know that I fell for her the second I saw her......she's gonna think I'm a weirdo" Jhope says while thinking of a way to make shabeela like him back

"Son I know I said you needed to get married soon but I didn't say to pick the first person you lay eyes on!" Mr. Bang is a bit angry that Jhope wants to marry a complete stranger

"Dad I promise I'll try and get closer to the girl maybe then you will let me marry her!" Jhope slams the table and gets up from his seat to the front door

"AT LEAST KNOW THAT HER NAME IS SHABEELA" Mr. Bang yells and gets up from his seat to nap because he feels like he has a headache now

Mark hears him coming so he quickly runs to the first cabin he sees and knocks on the door.

Once jhope gets outside he notices Mark by Shabeelas cabin. Jhope knows its her cabin because he's seen her go to it before

"Who the heck is he? Does the girl I mean does shabeela know him???' Jhope thinks to himself but he has no time to ask Mark any questions bc there is an important meeting he has to attend right now

Shabeela opens the door to see who was knocking
She is kinda annoyed when she sees it's Mark
"What do you want Mark" She's asks

"Well uh you see I was just wondering if you wanted to have breakfast with me" Mark says scratching the back of his neck feeling kind of nervous

"Mark look I don't like you ok can you just leave" Shabeela rolls her eyes and is about to close the door on him but he pushes back open

"NO! No I meant like friends....ya like friend plus having breakfast with a friend isn't a bad thing right" Mark says hoping she would say yes

"Ugh fine but leave me alone after this ok" shabeela puts on her shoes and goes outside with Mark

"Ya of course" Mark says
He is feeling very excited and happy that he actually gets to spend time with shabeela for the first time ever


Afeefa and the girls make it to the cafeteria now and Afeefa is looking around for a special someone

'Where could he be' Afeefa thinks to herself looking at all the campers trying to spot Jake

"Are you looking for someone??" Laila asks noticing afeefa wasn't paying attention to what they were saying to her

"Huh OH no umm guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick brb" Afeefa leaves the girls and instead of going to the bathroom she walks around the big cafeteria looking for Jake

She finally spots him......but he's not alone

She sees him talking to someone who she thinks is jennie

'Huh wtf is Jennie doing with Jake' afeefa is really confused right now because she remembers Jake agreed to see her today not see jennie


You see afeefa knew Jennie from the 1st year of highschool
They used to be best friends and they always did everything together until someone made their friendship tear apart
And that was Jake....well he didn't really anything to them tho
but he was the reason Afeefa and Jennie stopped talking to each other
Once he came to their school as an exchanged student in 10th grade, Afeefa and Jennie both secretly liked him
They never told each other tho bc they feared the other liked him too which is exactly what happened the day they finally told each other
Jennie was seen as a very selfish person to other people and once Afeefa told her that she likes Jake, Jennie tried every way she could to get with him before Afeefa could
It was no use tho so she stopped talking to Afeefa because she still couldn't handle the fact Afeefa had a crush on Jake


Just then,  Afeefa saw something she never imagined she'd see in her whole life

Jake was kissing Jennie?!?!

Why the hell were they kissing?
This was the only thing afeefa thought

'He just called me pretty yesterday and now he's kissing Jennie' Afeefa felt both furious and upset with Jake for lying yesterday

'He probabaly doesn't even think I'm pretty at all maybe he just felt bad for me' Afeefa ran out of the cafeteria and her vision was going blurry from the tears that were building up in her eyes

'I thought we actually had something....why did he have to ruin it all by kissing her' Afeefa stood by a wall outside and sat down crying into her knees.

She didnt even know why she was crying
Jake never confessed to her or anything
All he did was call her pretty and beautiful
But for some reason Afeefa still felt so heartbroken

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