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"Oh my gosh what happened to you!!!" The nurse says shocked

"Uhh I kinda got punched in the face with a soccer soccer ball" Laila says and sits down on a chair

Yeonjun comes inside too but he just leans again the wall with his hands in his pockets

"Oh my let me get you some ice" The nurse leaves for a moment

"Ice? I'm gonna laugh" Yeonjun says while

"Its just a bruise the ice is gonna help anyway" Laila rolls her eyes

"Hopefully it heals fast then" Yeonjun says

'Why does he evne care so much we barely know each other'  Laila thinks

The nurse comes back with a ice pack and gives it to Laila

"Here you go and here's a lollipop to make you feel better" the nurse says

"Thank you" Laila says taking the stuff

Yeonjun and Laila both leave the nurses office

"Can I have your lollipop pleaseeee" Yeonjun begs

"You literally could've just asked for one"

"I know I was gonna but you took the last strawberry one and thats my favorite" Yeonjun says

"Ugh fine here whatever" Laila throws the lollipop to him and when he doesn't catch it she laughs at him

"I'm better at catching ok its just you threw it when I wasn't paying attention" Yeonjun rolls his eyes and puts the lollipop in his mouth

They both walk back together and part ways when they get to their cabins


"Hey shabeela can I ask you a question?" Mark says

The two had eaten a while ago but Mark wouldn't leave shabeela alone so he was now walking around the camp with her

"What is it. This is like the hundredth questions you've wanted to ask me" She says annoyed

"Uhh sooo ummm would you marry someone right after you just met them??? I mean this isn't something for me personally but I was just wondering." Mark says

"Huh why the heck would you want to know that" Shabeela questions raising her eyebrow

"Uhhhh ummmm....its for a friend!!! Ya my friend wanted to know if a girl would want to marry him the same year they meet!!!" Mark lies

"Uhhh I mean not all girls think the same but for me personally if the man is rich then ya I guess i would marry him the same year we meet" Shabeela says hoping she doesn't sound weird for saying she would instantly marry a guy that has lots of money

"Oh well thanks for letting me know anyway look at the time I gotta goo hahaha see you later!!!" Mark waves bye to shabeela and runs off

'That was weird' Shabeela thinks and walk back to her own cabin

'Wait so if shabeela would marry some rich guy in a instant then That jhope man has a chance with her since he's rich and all' Mark thinks

He remembers jhopes dad saying he wants him to marry soon...maybe soon meant some time this year and there was only 7 months until the year ended
Jhope could get close to shabeela now and maybe even closer after camp
He would probabaly propose to her in a few months and since he has a lot of money she would say yes

Marks has lots of thoughts going through his head right now that he didn't even see there is someone walking in front of him

He accidently bumps into the person

"Oh sorry mark" Joshua says

"It's fine dude" Mark replies

"Are you gonna get the supplies for you next activity?" Joshua asks

"Umm can you do it please I'm so tired" Mark fake yawns loudly so he doesn't have to carry so much supplies

"Ok bro I'll do it anyway wheres shabeela" Joshua looks around trying to find her

"Uhh she went back to her cabin" Mark says but is confused why Joshua wants to know where shabeela is

"Oh ok thanks bye gtg" Joshua runs off

Mark just walks off trying not to think of why Joshua would want to see shabeela

'Anyway why does Jhope even want to get married now hes only 19' Mark thinks but just shakes his head and walks back to his cabin to take a quick nap

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