the beginning of my new life (no caps LOL)

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I woke up freezing as hell.

"Good God it's cold!" I sneezed once, but the second time was something else. A sudden knock at the car window scared the shit out of me (that was the something else); it was Popular boy band One Direction.

"Ello Luv." They slowly opened the car door and grimaced as the smell of shit began to waft throughout the air.

"Woo wee! Someone need a diapey change? Sorry we forgot about you and left you in the car all night. You can come out now, it's ok."

"I can't."

"It takes one step at a time, there's no need to rush. It's like learning to fly, or falling in love."

"That's really encouraging, but I physically cannot move."

Popular boy band One Direction's smile slowly faded.

"Well come out when you can!" They shut the car door behind them and went back inside, leaving me to my own devices once again. The rest of the week went by slowly.

"Rise and shine." As I opened my eyes, I was grateful to see the face of Popular boy band One Direction once again. All my joints popped back into place a couple days ago, but I was locked out of the house so I had to retreat back to the backseat of their car once again.

"How are you feeling? Good enough to come inside and do some manual labor for us? Hm? Want some pancakes? C'mon sweetheart." Popular boy band One Direction beckons me to come out of the car and into the house with them. I follow them reluctantly.

"Wait, can you repeat that second thing you said for me again? Hello? Guys?"

The silhouette of Popular boy band One Direction suddenly vanishes. All that's left is a giant arrow pointing to a room at the end of the hall.

"That must be my room!"

I follow the arrow as it continues to move down the hall, leading me to a desolate kitchen with one singular box of pancake mix sitting on the table; no ingredients or anything.

"Weird. They asked if I wanted pancakes, but the only thing in this room is an unopened box of pancake mix. That can't be right..."

I venture further into the room to look for the pancakes that they made for me.

I hear whispers begin to fill the room.

"Pancake mix..." The voices are ever so quiet.

"Make the pancake mix." Confused, I scratch my head.

A white light emerges as the arrow that pointed me to the direction of this room suddenly turns into Popular boy band One Direction.

"Make the pancake mix for fucksake! It's right there!" Popular boy band One Direction seems annoyed by my ignorance.

"Wow, you can turn into an arrow?"

"Agh! Make it! Please!"

"What? I thought you were making the pancakes? You were the one who asked me if I wanted any."

Popular boy band One Direction slaps the palm of their hand onto their forehead and slides their hand slowly down their face.

"That's the reason we bought you in the first place!"

"To make pancakes?"

"No, to do manual labor!"

"I-I thought you bought me to eventually fall in love with me because of how unique and beautiful I am?"

"What? No! You're a minor and we're all in our mid-to-late twenties! That is wrong in all the senses!"

"...Even auditory?"

"Especially auditory! We really truly just needed someone to do all of our household chores."

"Wow. So they were using me. I should have known better!"

"Was that supposed to be in your head? I don't think we were supposed to hear that."

I run off saddened by the news; I was merely a pawn in their twisted game. I thought this would be like Brother's Conflict, when really it's more like Diabolik Lovers.

Could my life get any worse?

I was Sold to Popular Boy Band One Direction, but they Made Me do Manual LabourWhere stories live. Discover now