Chapter 22: Capture

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'Crystal you may want to come see this...' Trent called.
'What is it - holy shit! Is that the director of DCC??'
'I think so.'
'But who could've done this?'
'I did.' Said a voice behind them. They both turned around to find Mr C blocking the exit.
'Hello again Trent.'
'Wait you know this guy??'
'Well... yes. I guess I do.'
Mr C walked past them and to one of the floor-to-ceiling windows while two guards grabbed Trend and Crystal from behind. He looked out of the window for a minute or so before walking over to the desk.
'Deare used to have a small cell somewhere here, where he would privately interrogate rebels...' He felt underneath the mahogany desk until he found a button. Pushing it, a wall opened up to the left of him and behind it was a small concrete prison cell.
'I've been doing my research.' He stated.
One of the guards threw Crystal into the cell and closed the door.
'Now, Trent, I thought you were better than this. You aren't meant to run away. There is still hope for you to join me, to remake the world to it's former greatness.'
'I'm sorry but I'm going to have to decline that offer.' Trent replied
'I really wish you'd said yes.' Mr C said, pressing another button.
The ceiling opened up and a containment unit was lowered down into the room, strung on chains.
'The Insurgency will welcome you.'
The guards flung Trent in and shut the door. He glared at Mr C through the glass.
'It will always be a no.'

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