Chapter 3

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     As the older brother waited for his friends, he went to the kitchen and started opening the cabinets until he found a glass jar filled with corn seeds. That's what he wanted, he was going to make popcorn for everyone. He took out a frying pan which he saw his dad using every time he'd make popcorn and then looked for the oil bottle. He remembered that there was no oil in the house and he started to get angry since they were out of it for three weeks! But then as he was about the out the con seed jar back inside, he remembered that their dad had just gotten the groceries. He quickly went to the kitchen table, and as he had expected, the bags were right there and William hadn't put them in the place. He quickly started checking each bag for the oil bottle. Then he found it, the golden liquid in a transparent plastic container labled as sunflower oil. He quickly grabbed it and securely opened the the cap and the circle that was attached to the top so that oil won't spill. He tore off that piece and started top pour the oil in the pan. Then he scribbled some corns in the pan and a little salt. He then put the pan lid on so that the corns won't spring out in the air. He looked over the pop corns and when it was taking time he went around the kitchen and then saw some newspapers and magazines. He went through each and every magazine and newspaper until he found "the kid section" and a magazine that he found attractive. He was just about to sit and open the magazine when he heard a popping sound. 'That must be popcorn.' He thought going to the stove. He took out a big purple plastic bowl from the dish rack to put the popcorns in. He saw them popping and after a little time, he picked the pan from its handle and poured all the popped corn in the bowl. He brought the bowl to the TV lounge and placed it on the front table so that C.C and Elizabeth could take as well. Just as he was about the grab the remote o the table, he heard the doorbell ring. 'They must be here. Though I should ask first.' The older brother went to the door to ask who it was. "Who is it!!" He shouted from inside the house. "It's us!!! Open the door!!" A voice of a young lad screamed from the front of the door. It was The Older Brother's friend's voice. They called him Freddy. He was given this name by the Older Brother and his other friends. It was based off of a cartoon that used to play on the evening television. It was called Fredbear and Friends. The older Brother opened the door and to see his three best buddies, he was really happy. "Come in guys." They all went inside and the Older Brother led them to the TV lounge where they met C.C and Elizabeth. "Hello kids!" Bonnie said. Bonnie the bunny? No, Bonnie, like Freddy, was a name given to one of older brother's friends. A dark skinned boy with light blue eyes in a dark blue sleeveless shirt with a yellow cloth band tied to his arm and brown, long soft hair approached the little kids with his hand forward to shake hands. "Hi!" C.C and Elizabeth said to him and C.C shaked his hand. "Well" said the older brother, they will help us in Halloween preparations! Starting with- Can you give me the notes Freddy. I promise I'll return them after Halloween :)" "Sure thing." Said Freddy handing out some notebooks to the Older Brother. "Good, now, starting with the costumes!! Any questions?!" The older brother said enthusiastically to everyone in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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