Chapter 3: Hospital

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(Haru's pov)

The teacher gave up looking for us since he could not see us if we are in the trash. The teacher seems to give up finding people fast it seems like. Honestly, she never did back then but now she does.

I heard she used the teach some of the monsters so I think they might be smarter than her. From what I know the doctor never gives up that quick. I got out of the trash and looked around. I spend most of my time in school and slept there. Yet I also ate there with other crazy children.

It has been a while since I have seen and felt outside of the school. Seven got out and all sudden he started to rub himself and started to get a little cold. Mono felt nothing since he had a trench coat on.

We all started to walk a little and walked across a huge large piece of a plank. It was very wet and slippery so any of us can fall off if we made one wrong move. Marshmallow made it first and Mono and Seven did after.

Seven still rubbed himself since he was still very cold and did not really wanna move that much. I felt bad for him but I had nothing to give him to keep him warm. We walked through the pale city which I learned to call the city the pale city in the school.

All of us spotted a trash can and Three of us besides Marshmallow pushed the trash can at the end to close the lid and pull it to the end where it hit a rock and then we jumped on a TV and then jumped to the trash can and I jumped to the end and pulled myself up.

The others did the same right after I did and then Seven was still shivering since the rain kept pouring on him and all of us. I don't really get sick or cold since I am just a doll and created by something else.

It was not long until we ran straight ahead and crouched down and Mono Decided to take his trench coat off and gave it to Seven. Seven decided to take the offer and slipped it over his shoulder and then placed it on.

Mono was left in his brown button-up shirt and his rolled-up pants with the paper bag on. So range seeing him with the trench coat on and Seven now wears it. I think we can find him something else later.

I was also starting to worry for Mono now that he will have nothing to cover him in the rain.

''Won't you also now get cold? now that you giving your trench coat to umm, your friend?'' I asked Mono and Mono just shook his head as a response.

''I promise I will be fine right now, nothing is gonna happen to me'' Mono answered and Seven smiled.

I was not jealous since I never had or will have feelings for Mono. But I know if I even try to hug or go near Mono then Seven would get jealous. He does not seem to like me at all.

Calling Mono over I bent down and held my arms out while he placed one hand on my head and placed his other hand on my shoulder and I boosted him up and he grabbed the door and opened it.

All of us were now in a store and Marshmallow ran to the window and I don't think this would be a good place to take shelter, I don't even know if we are just escaping or taking shelter at this point. I climbed out the window and fell down while Seven fell on my back.

That kinda hurt but at the same, he was kinda light. But I would not be so light for either of them. For us bullies, we have bigger heads and we are taller than Mono and Seven. Seven boosted Mono up and then slid down and landed somewhere and helped Seven do whatever.

I waited with Marshmallow before belong I heard something behind me and I turned around to the gate opened. Mono called out for me and I ran and Marshmallow and then Mono and Seven opened a vent.

They are doing a lot of processes with each other. Now that is just making me feel left out. We went through a vent only to find in front of a huge building.

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