so good. - nakamoto yuta

547 10 0

riding, choking, fingering, blowjob, hair pulling

All of NCT 127 were waiting to be introduced onto the stage, taking their last sips of water and doing a few stretches. They could hear the cheers from the bottom of the stage. Johnny exhaled as the platform he stood on began to rise. The cheering intensified, becoming louder than ever. He would be lying if he said the view wasn't absolutely astonishing. Neon green lights filled the mass as the stars twinkled above him.

When it came to concerts, Johnny has always found them somewhat pleasing. At the end of the day, he would always be satisfied with himself as if he completed some sort of mission. It always makes him happy when he gets to see Nctzens.

He adjusted his in-earpiece, looking to his side to see Yuta who was already staring at him. Johnny watched as he moved tongue around his mouth, then analyzing his outfit before smiling. Johnny couldn't really smile back before he heard the steady counts in his ear indicating he needed to be ready for the music to start.

After performing the set list, they were onto their last ment of the concert. Johnny and Yuta were in the middle of the stage swaying to the music playing. Johnny had his right hand clenching Yuta's shoulder while the other hand was squeezing Yuta's bicep. Yuta's hand had a firm grip on Johnny's waist making sure he keeps them pressed together. All while their crotches were almost touching.

Johnny wanted to get closer in attempt at creating friction but he knew he couldn't, especially not in front of his members and Nctzens. They were so close to kissing as their lips were inches apart. Yuta could see in the corner of his eye that there was a camera on him and Johnny, very clearly on the big screen. In fact, the whole crowd had their phones out, recording this heated moment.

Though, part of him didn't care. Yuta raised his hand up and caressed Johnny's sharp jawline, running his finger along his smooth skin. The screaming of the crowd grew louder from every move they seen. Johnny found himself shamelessly staring at Yuta's lips. They were slightly parted, a light pink shade to them. Johnny's breathing was nimble and felt almost lightheaded just looking at Yuta.

Soon enough, the concert had came to an end. The Neos said their goodbyes and wished Nctzens a safe drive back to their homes. As they walked off of the stage, they gave themselves a well-deserved round of applause while Johnny and Yuta were secretly exchanging flirtatious looks.

Time passed and they were now in separate cars on the way to a hotel. Their managers already discussed the room arrangements for the members; Taeil with Haechan, Mark with Taeyong and Jaehyun, Jungwoo with Doyoung, and Yuta with Johnny.

Once they got to the hotel they checked themselves in and headed to their shared rooms. As for Johnny and Yuta, they got into their room and took showers. Johnny had just gotten out of the shower and walked out the bathroom with a t-shirt and shorts on. He seen Yuta sitting down on the couch, it seemed like he was waiting for him.

Yuta looked up to see Johnny. "Hey,"

His hair was still dripping wet as the water dripped down onto his chest, causing a wet spot to appear through his shirt. Yuta's bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he stared at the view in front of him. "You okay?" Johnny walked up to the younger.

He placed his hand on Johnny's waist, "More than okay,"

"You were great out there you know that?" Yuta started.

"Yeah?" The corners of Johnny's lips pulled up into a smile, straddling Yuta's hips. He nodded and slowly leaned in to kiss Johnny in which the taller complied.

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora