Chapter 18

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The next day at school was just as boring as yesterday. Even worse now that I know Kimberly has gym with me.

It was a really hot day so I decided to finally wear some high waisted shorts with a flannel shirt tucked in. I couldn't find my converse so I wore combat boots, and my hair in a bun.

I was walking around, since it was lunch time and like I said before, I hated school food.

My eyes landed on Justin as he walked towards me. I glanced around and saw that the hall was almost empty, making me more nervous than I already was. I played with a thread at the end of my shorts and saw his eyes roam my body real quick.

"Hey" I squeaked

He stood in front of me and raised an eyebrow "what are you doing Selena?" He said in a harsher tone than I expected

Wait what. Why the hell was he mad at me? He noticed that I was confused and let out a laugh

"What!" I yelled, catching him by surprise

"I kiss you, and the next day you're all flirting with Evan right in front of me" he spat

Was he jealous? The thought of that made me all giddy inside "Justin he just wanted to hangout after school"

"So you two also hung out? Where'd he take you?" He chuckled, but not a real chuckle, a scary sarcastic one

My mouth opened slightly at how rude he was being "that's none of your business, that night you left like nothing and yesterday you ignored me, I'm not going to wait for you until you feel like coming back" I rolled my eyes

He closed his eyes "Selena, I was going to talk to you but Evan beat me to it and I just didn't feel like talking to you afterwards" he muttered

"Why not"

He shrugged, obviously not going to tell me anytime soon.

I nodded and walked away. He was so confusing I just wanted to slap him but then I wanted to kiss him at the same time. He sounded like he was jealous but then he said he didn't feel like talking to me.

I heard him call my name a couple of times but I walked faster and walked towards my next period. The bell was about to ring soon anyways. I thought he stopped following me since I didn't hear anything, but then I felt his hand grasp my arm.

"Selena chill" he said pulling me towards him

I know I'm over reacting but I couldn't help it "Leave me alone"

"I'm sorry"

I stared at him. He hardly ever apologized and whenever he did, it made me feel happy because I know I was one of the few people he apologized to.

I couldn't help but smile "okay fine, i forgive you"

"How about for acting like a total ass, I take you out somewhere" he smiled "as friends"

My heart broke into little pieces, when he said that. I nodded and didn't show him how much that affected me "sure, so when?"

"After school" he said right when the bell rang

I nodded "ok"

After he left I walked into our locker room and changed quickly, not wanting to change in front of Kimberly, knowing she'd probably make fun of me

Before walking out into the gym, I fixed my bun and stared at myself in the mirror. Why would he like me? I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at myself for thinking that he did. I mean, he kissed me and took me out to the beach and said so many nice things to me.

No, I'm not going to be the sad one and cry because the guy I like doesn't like me back. I'm going to try and make him jealous by hanging out with guys, because that seemed to work a couple minutes ago with evan.

I'm still going to hangout with Justin but I'm not going to give in and kiss him whenever he wants to kiss me. I refuse to be his little toy.

I walked out into the gym and sighed when I saw Kimberly smirking over at me. This is going to be a long period.

I know this chapter is short but I wanted to update as soon as possible lol.

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