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Yes, we are still sticking to the formalities of writing before we get into the fun stuff. This is important!

No one wants to read your story if it's just ONE GIANT CHUNK OF WORDS. You need paragraphs, they make it easy on the eyes, comfortable to read, make what's going on more sensible and less confusing, and allow for you to control the time and pacing of your story.

Chang the paragraph when...:

-Your imaginary camera moves.

Ex: She couldn't help but wonder why he had brought her there. The trek up the mountain was long and tiring yet he never explained why they were there.  He just held her hands and told her to trust him.  When they finally reached the top, she was stunned.

Before her was a large elegant open valley full of wonderful and exotic creatures. *Insert descriptive paragraph.*

-A new character shows up.

-Someone speaks (difference character speaking? Different paragraph)

-Something new is introduced.

-Time skips, flashbacks, character is telling a story, dreams, change to a different character in a different location, etc. (also for dreams or flashbacks, a lot of authors like to use italics. But this isn't necessary.)

-Setting or mood changes


I know I'm not the only one bothered by hunks of just infinitely long paragraphs that never break.  They're bothersome to read. They're a huge turn off. I mean, you could have the most original, incredible idea thats worthy of being a best seller but if you very first page has a huge paragraph, no one will turn that page. 

I know your English teacher told you that paragraphs HAVE to be five sentences long but this is a lie. Sparingly, you can use a paragraph that is one sentence. This is for drama, if you really want something to sink in. Sometimes you can use it for humor as well. 

On the English teacher note, I know you were taught to do a double space after every period. But that is for scholastic essays and MLA formatting. For writing a book, you only use one space. 

If you have any questions, tell me in the comments.

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