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It's good to write a story synopsis before writing your book, and then another after you've finished writing it. A synopsis is the summary you might put at the back of your book to get people to want to read it. Here's an example of my first summary from my book, Land of Armonia:

"Herogi had never expected to be swept away on an adventurous mission to save her precious land, but when a boy from her enemy tribe convinced her of certain doom, she feels she is left without a choice. Together, she and Amante gather powerful tribes and cultures, on a quest to save their fantastical world with the aid of magic from a prophecy of war.
Magic?  Check.
Mythical beasts? Check.
Survival? Well..."

That.... Is tacky. And bad. Not a good synopsis whatsoever but I wrote that back in the beginning of 2020, two years ago.

Now that my story is finished, I've created a new synopsis of it!

"Plaguing the earth with war, Amante's home tribe takes hold of Armonia with destructive greedy hands.  Starving, ill, and suffering, his people take consolation in the harm of others. When Amante hears prophecy of what this war could do to the land, he knows only he can stop it.
Herogi is a protector. Her only job is to guard the Cretos during the night, keeping them from harm of the fearsome Chatons. Her only wish is to protect her people, so why would she turn down the opportunity to be a hero?"

And the you can add other details under it if wanted, such as (for mine):
"An indigenous inspired fantasy novel about magic in the hands of evil"
"Set in a mysterious world of magical creatures and unforeseen truth."

Literally just be dramatic with it. Be so dramatic. So so dramatic.

But not too dramatic cause then it seems like it's overselling itself. Just find the median.

That's all I have to say for this, enjoy advertising your story and don't be afraid to leave questions in the comments.

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