XXVII. Guise

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Afton led me down the long, wide corridor, chatting easily in hushed tones

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Afton led me down the long, wide corridor, chatting easily in hushed tones. It didn't take much time before we approached a large, open doorway that led into a vast, circular chamber.

I slowed my pace and stopped by the edge of the door, hovering by the doorframe just out of view of whoever was occupying the room; I was suddenly overtaken by nerves when it occurred to me that Chelsea was definitely not alone.

Afton noticed my hesitation and gestured for me to continue through the doorway. I gave him a weary smile and complied without objection.

As I suspected, the room was occupied by more than just Afton's mate.

I stifled a heavy sigh of disheartenment and trailed after Afton as he led me farther into the chamber. We stopped in the center of the room, facing the original occupants.

To my dismay, we had an audience.

Aro stood on an elevated portion of the floor, four steps higher than the rest of the room, and was flanked by two female vampires that I didn't recognize. One woman had mousy brown hair with a sturdy frame and sharp features. The other was a tall, lean Latinx woman with lovely, full lips and deep, intense eyes. Alec was present, as well; he stood at the foot of the short set of stairs, several paces away from a well-built man with strong features and thick cornrows that were tucked neatly into a hair tie.

Everyone in the room was wearing either an incredibly deep shade of grey or pitch black.

The Volturi usually wore shades based on rank - the darker their attire, the higher their rank.

Afton, on the other hand, was wearing a medium grey and I was in pure white.

Afton and I had just strolled into a room with a cluster of incredibly gifted and powerful vampires.

I suppressed a shudder as an icy chill rolled through me and focused on keeping a straight face.

I was also really trying not to make eye contact with Alec, although not looking at him felt just as conspicuous.

"Afton and Violet! What a delightful surprise," Aro grinned widely.

My face automatically pitched up into a grimace. Aro gave me the heebie jeebies. I quickly smoothed my face back out to the best of my ability. I had a feeling that making faces, unconscious or not, wasn't going to do me any good.

"I don't mean to interrupt, master," Afton said tonelessly.

"You've done no such thing," Aro said, eyeing us inquisitively. "What brings your presence?"

I looked at Afton expectantly. Considering how poorly my last encounter with Aro went, I figured that the longer I could avoid talking, the better.

"Violet would like to meet Chelsea," Afton said with a small, almost undetectable smile.

"What a wonderful idea!" Aro said with way too much enthusiasm as he gestured toward the mousy brunette, beckoning her forward.

The woman smoothly drifted down the steps and approached Afton and me without hesitation. She maintained her stoic demeanor, but her eyes softened when her eyes met Afton's.

For an intense moment, Afton and Chelsea gazed at each other, their eyes brimming with an overwhelming amount of unspoken, indescribable affection.

I, only a few feet away, glanced awkwardly at the polished marble floors and ran my fingers through my bangs. The intensity of their bond was painfully apparent which, in turn, made me blush.

As it turned out, being freshly single sucked. Especially when I was trapped next to two love birds - with my ex in the room as well, no less.

"Violet," Afton said, breaking the brief silence, "This is my mate, Chelsea. Chelsea, this is Violet."

"I see," she said, staring at me blankly.

"Hi," I said lamely. She was creeping me the hell out. As much as I wanted to turn tail and run, I resisted and stayed rooted in place.

"It's nice to meet you," I added politely. I knew that it was within my best interest to get on her good side, especially because I'd severed ties with Alec, thus Jane, which left my level of protection and status in a very precarious place.

"Do you always make that face when you meet people or is that just how you look?" Chelsea asked me bluntly.

I reminded myself of Afton's advice to try to be more agreeable in front of the big dogs before I responded.

"I don't know," I said mildly.

Chelsea continued to stare at me expressionlessly.

I blinked back daftly.

"Violet is--" Afton began.

"I've heard," Chelsea said, cutting him off.

I couldn't help it. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you have," I said with a bitter little smile.

"Upset already?" she asked, her eyes reflecting mocking amusement. I couldn't shake the feeling that her tone was insinuating that I was some sort of erratic wackjob.

"Get a fucking hobby," I said grimly.

Well. So much for being agreeable.

Chelsea's eyes went cold and flat, but before she could respond Aro burst out into a shrill peal of giggles. His pitchy laughter made my blood go cold.

"Isn't she wonderful?" Aro asked the room loudly. "Her sense of humor is...quite unique!"

"Yes, master," Chelsea said automatically.

"Yeah. Ha ha. I love being the laughing stock of town," I frowned, growing annoyed. I was quickly learning just how insufferable Aro truly was.

"It's predominantly self-inflicted, don't you think?" Chelsea asked tersely.

I narrowed my eyes at her and made a face, but before I could protest, everyone's attention snapped over the entrance of the room. I looked back, as well, though my reaction time was pitifully slow compared to my disconcerting company.

Just as I looked, Jane briskly entered the room with Felix and Demetri in tow.


Just. Great.

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