even worse UST

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Since Castiel is living in the bunker full-time now, Dean is making it his mission to show Castiel all of his favorite movies. Castiel doesn't mind, but he is concerned he is taking away Dean's time. Castiel hasn't seen Heather in a while, and whenever Eileen and Sam bring up hanging out with her again, Dean says something dismissive. Castiel's fears of hindering Dean's life are coming true.

Castiel is reading in the Dean Cave when Dean finds him. Dean flops beside him on the couch hard enough to interrupt Castiel's reading. Castiel stares up in exasperation, and Dean is grinning mischievously back.

"Yes, Dean?"

"Wanna watch a movie?"

Castiel returns his attention to his book and pretends to read. "Why don't you ask Heather this time? We've seen plenty."

Dean is silent for a moment. "We broke up."

Castiel jerks his head back up. Oh, no. This isn't his fault, is it? Castiel hopes that Dean hadn't been taking too much time with him that he pushed Heather away. "Oh, Dean. I'm sorry."

Dean shrugs. "Yeah, it's fine. It just wasn't working out, so, you know."

"It wasn't...because of me, right?"

Dean's eyes widen, and his entire body stiffens. "Uh, what?"

"I know you've been spending a lot of time with me since my injury. You know you can still spend time with her, Dean. You don't have to be by my side every day."

Dean relaxes. "No, dude, it's not that at all. We broke up before that."

Castiel frowns in confusion. "You...did?"

"Yeah. We're still friends and hang out sometimes. She's a great Hunter too, so I don't mind inviting her on Hunts, but we haven't been together for a while."

"Oh." Castiel doesn't know what to think.

"So, uh, do you want to watch a movie? Or did that kill the mood?"

Castiel smiles. "I'd love to watch a movie."

- - - -

"How did you find me?" Castiel asks when Dean returns with a few DVDs.

"Huh?" Dean asks as he walks over to the DVD player.

"When I went to Heaven's gate. How did you find me?"

"I tracked your phone," Dean replies casually as he puts a DVD inside the player.

Castiel frowns. "Why?"

Dean turns around and shrugs. "I dunno. I just had a weird feeling about you."


"Yeah," Dean says as he sits next to Castiel. Their legs are touching. "I get that way with Sam too. I get this weird like, not nausea, but heaviness in the pit of my stomach when something is wrong with you guys or one of you is in danger. I don't really know how to describe it. Or why I feel it."

Castiel is staring at him now. "That's interesting."

Dean chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess." He turns his attention to the television. "Anyway, I stole Sam's Harry Potter DVDs, so we can watch some since you haven't technically watched any of the movies."

"Does Sam know about this?"

"Nope." Dean looks back at Castiel with a pointed look. "And he won't know."

Castiel rolls his eyes, but he's smiling.

- - - -


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