what if we kissed??

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A/N: Thank you for reading! This is the last chapter. Thanks to everyone who stuck around for this story

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Castiel should've known it was going to be a trap.

The Hunt had been too perfect.

A lone werewolf had been terrorizing a small town. Castiel should've known something was off in the way the wounds in the victims chests looked as if they'd been cut open instead of ripped apart by claws. Eileen had noticed and commented on it, but everything else had pointed to werewolf: it was a full moon, the local bartender didn't have a good alibi during the killings, and all of the victims were males in their 30s. It was a classic case. Or so they had all thought.

They track the bartender down to a dock full of shipping containers. The perfect place for a trap. The four of them split up and each take a direction. Dean goes North, Sam goes South, Eileen goes West, and Castiel goes East. Castiel quickly races around the docks, looking for the werewolf. He weaves through the shipping containers, rounds a corner, and finds himself surrounded by angels.

It's a trap. Of course.

Reflexively, Castiel grips his angel blade. "What do you want?" he snarls at the angels.

"We just want to talk, brother," one of them says, holding his hands up in a sign of peace. As if. "We want to make you an offer."

"What could you possibly offer me?" Castiel retorts.

"Your grace."

Oh. Castiel hadn't considered that. "Go on," he says.

One of his sisters speaks up, "Come back to Heaven. We need guidance. You'll have your grace there."

Castiel blinks then speaks, "You're really asking me to come back?"

"Yes," a third says. "We shall give you your grace, and you'll have a fundamental part in Heaven's reconstruction."

"Reconstruction?" Castiel asks skeptically. "You're rebuilding Heaven?"

"Yes," the first angel speaks. "And we need your guidance, Castiel. Come back with us. Help us fix Heaven. Reclaim your grace."


They stare at Castiel in surprise before exchanging looks with one another.

"No?" the second angel asks, as if she hadn't heard Castiel correctly the first time.

"No," Castiel confirms. He tucks in his angel blade and turns away. "I'm leaving now."

"Castiel, wait!" the third says.

Castiel pauses but doesn't turn around.

The angel continues, "Why? We are offering you everything! How can you say no?"

"You are offering me nothing. Everything I want is here," Castiel replies firmly. Without looking back, he walks towards the way he came.

Did he just make a mistake?

He rounds the corner and bumps into something. Castiel immediately jumps back and takes out his blade. "Dean?"

Dean is staring at him with wide eyes as if Castiel caught him doing something he shouldn't have been doing. ...Dean had been listening. Castiel is about to call him out on it, when Dean grabs him by the front of his shirt and yanks him closer. Castiel thinks Dean is going to hit him, but Dean is suddenly pressing their lips together. Dean's lips are very soft.

Then Dean is pulling away.

Castiel didn't even close his eyes.

He didn't even kiss back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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