cas goes to walmart

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Sam, Dean, and Eileen go Hunting the next day. Castiel must've really upset Dean when he told the Hunter he couldn't take out the rest of his stitches, because Dean hadn't even invited him. But Castiel doesn't mind. He saw this coming. The last Hunt didn't go quite as planned, and Dean had to come to his aid yet again. It's as if the Winchesters are finally realizing just how useless he is to them as a human.

But Castiel doesn't really mind. It's better this way anyway. The Winchesters can Hunt more efficiently without him. Besides, Castiel needs some time alone. Spending all this time with Dean has only strengthened Castiel's feelings for him, and every day it becomes more and more painful to live with the man he loves but can a never have in the way he truly wants. He's quite relieved to get a break actually.

Castiel has the bunker to himself, and he's taken the time to continue his project with Sam and catalogue and translate old Men of Letters files. Once he's tired of that, he cleans. He lives here, and he's trying to make his existence as less of a burden as possible. He knows he's one more mouth to feed.

After cleaning, he's feeling quite accomplished and decides to take inventory of the kitchen. Perhaps he can go to the store and buy what the Winchesters need for when they return. He takes his phone out of his pocket and goes around the kitchen, writing down what they need in the notes app. Castiel sets his phone down on the map table as he goes to retrieve the reusable shopping bags from Sam's room. He grabs the bags and glances at the clock on Sam's nightstand with a frown. It's getting a bit late, and he should hurry. He knows the store is open twenty-four hours a day, but he doesn't want to stay out late. He wants to catch up on sleep while he can.

Quickly, Castiel grabs his keys from his room and dashes to the garage. He sets the bags down in the passenger seat and starts his truck. It's only until he reaches the Walmart parking lot that he realizes he forgot his phone. He sighs in annoyance. Oh, well. He'll probably remember most of the things on his list. He misses his infallible, photographic memory.

Castiel has only been to Walmart a couple times, and he's always been accompanied by Sam or Dean. He isn't expecting to be overwhelmed the second he steps inside. It's oddly busy for 7pm on a Thursday, and the crowd makes him anxious. He quickly grabs a cart but has no idea where he's going, and it takes him a few minutes to realize the food section is on the other side of the large store. He eventually makes his way over to the food. Castiel is grateful for the signs on top of the aisles and only has to go back a couple of times for items he's missed. He thinks he got everything on the list and is standing in the check-out line nearly half an hour later.

Castiel's grown a bit hungry, and he's ready to leave, but the woman in front of him has at least fifty coupons, and the poor cashier has to individually scan her coupons and the items they go to. Castiel is standing there for another ten minutes. It's irritating.

By the time he leaves Walmart and enters the parking lot, he is ready to go home. Castiel wants to try the frozen pizza he just bought and read the novel Sam recommended. There's traffic, and the drive home is slow, but Castiel doesn't mind. He enjoys driving; it takes his mind off things.

The Impala is parked in the garage when Castiel returns, which is strange. Castiel thought the Hunt was supposed to take longer. He hopes everything is alright. He quickly grabs his groceries and opens the door to the bunker.

"—don't know, Sam! Like I said! His phone is here, but he's not!" Dean is on his cell phone standing next to the map table, his back facing Castiel. "No, his truck is gone, too. I told you he wouldn't sta—"

"Dean?" Castiel asks as he descends the stairs.

Dean whirls around. "Sam, I'll call you back." He shoves his phone into one of his front pockets and rushes towards the stairs just as Castiel finishes his descent. Dean stares at Castiel with wide eyes. "Are you okay?"

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