Heavy Weights Upon My Shoulders

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                    They stepped out and Wilbur stared up at the building, he silently looked for Q's room. He soon spotted it and he could see Sam's silhouette in the window. Techno placed a hand on his shoulder "Are you ready?" He asked. Wilbur nodded and they headed into the hospital. A white and brown haired lady sat at the counter, typing away at the computer as they walked up.

      She looked up at the pair with a sweet smile "Hello, how may i help you two?" She asked "We're here to see Quackity HQ" Techno answered, Wilbur was happy he was here with him. The lady nodded and typed in his name "He is in room 450" she chirped, why was she so happy here? Wilbur silently questioned as Techno tugged him over to the elevator.

         He pressed the button and the duo waited in silence before a voice called out from them "Wilby! Techno!" Fuck it was charlie, the child runs over to the duo carrying an assortment of vending machine food.

        "H-Heya kiddo.." Wilbur barely maneged to choke out as the young boy, around 7 years old,  droped his snacks to hug his leggs. The LED lights in that hospital were blinding, and and reminded him to much of when he had woken up in the hospital and-

   Techno squeezes his hand, and wilbur squeezes back.

       He focuses his mind on charlie mumbling to him excitedly, and a tiny smile forces onto his lips. He reminded him so much of little tommy.. He was getting so big. He was a loud, rude kid, but found friends in a pair of boys who really liked bees. Of course, charile followed them like a duckling. Wil knew Tommy secretly adored the little guy.
"Nice t-to see you too, buddy.." He managed as techno scooped up the kid. Charlie giggles and makes tiny braids in technos hair, and wil silently scoops up the snacks and watches the duo.

       The elevator soon arrives and they all step in. Techno presses the button of Q's floor then wipes a few crumbs off of Charlie's face "How's your Dad doing kiddo?"  Techno asked as Wilbur tensed "He is sad a lot of the time, he tries to hide it but we always know when he is very upset" Charlie responded.

     Techno nods "I understand why he is sad though, Baba has been asleep and hurt for a long time.." The small boy continued as Wilbur held the snacks tighter. Techno lightly nudges Wil to keep him out of his thoughts as Charlie yoinks a small bag of gummy bears from the snacks and tears into them.

       Wilbur is silently thankful that Charlie had decided that sugar bears were more important then telling them about his father. Wilbur didn't know if he could take anymore of that. The elevator stopped and they all stepped out.

        Wilbur hated this so much but he had to do it, he had to see Q and he had to face Sam HQ. 'He is gonna hate me' Wilbur thought as they walked though the halls to Q's room. Techno snagged a hold of Wil's hand they got closer.

       They stopped in front of the door, room 450. It's now or never. Techno opened the door and there they were, a tired looking sam and a still unconscious and healing Q.

He braces himself but Sam just softly smiles and hugs Wilbur close "hi, son..."

He hugs him back. Sam had been like a father to Wilbur and techno from day one, and both were happy.

       Phil was never the best parent. He loved his kids, sure, but he offered no comfort. He brushed off the accident and told Wilbur to be more careful. He sent them to school the day after he was released from the hospital, and was upset when his grades slipped.. He even openly said he was disappointed when Wilbur dropped his band class, despite knowing how much the art one meant to him.. And one time he was really pissed? He the threatened to take the sketch book Q forgot in Wil's room the day of the accident.

       "H-hey sam.." He managed out weakly and techno gives a worried look. His eyes dart over to the almost lifeless figure on the bed.

        Sam moved him over to the shitty hospital couch and sat him down before sitting next to him. Wil leaned against him and soaked up the understanding yet sad presence of The sleep deprived man while keeping his eyes away from the person on the hospital mattress. He didn't deserve this understanding, he didn't deserve the fatherly love that Sam was giving him, and he didn't deserve to be here.

       His gaze drifts up to Quackity laying there, how many times has he wished that they were able to swap places? How many times has he had the nightmares of the crash? How much sleep has he lost because he rather stay awake then face whatever scenario his brain might come up with that night?

     The light squeeze of his hand from Sam snaps him out of his thoughts, Wilbur looks over at him. His face holds the worry of father, he quickly looks away. He doesn't deserve that.

"Wilbur, look at me"

      He glues his eyes to the floor, salty tears dripping down his cheeks in a waterfall. Sam lays a hand on his shoulder

"I know you t-too were close...its Ok.."

"..sam y-you don't u-understand.."

      Techno walks back up to squeeze wilburs hand once again, and sams gentle gaze twisted with confusion.

      Wilbur sniffled and wiped tried to dry the tears that just kept coming. Sam stared at him for a moment "Well if you ever feel the need to explain what i don't understand or if you need an adult to vent to the HQ's door is always open." Sam gently spoke.

        Gods he didn't deserve this kindness after what he did to Quackity, a small sob slipped out and Sam hugged him close. Wilbur buried his head against the dark green sweater as Techno and Charlie joined in on the hug.

        It felt warm and safe, he shouldn't feel comforted while Q's silent body laid so close to them. The only noise was the beeping of that horrid machine that he had also been hooked up when he was here.

    Luckily he hadn't been connected to the other machines Quackity had been when he was in critical condition. Wilbur missed their daily hugs and cuddles. He missed the dumb games they used to play. He even missed when Q used his shoulder's as a perch while they walked home.

         Sam was saying something but he couldn't understand it. Techno nodded and led Charlie out the room. Wilbur looked up at Sam, he felt like he had weights glued to his shoulders and he couldn't get rid of them. He shouldn't get rid of them. He deserved them.
    "S-sam I.."

The creeper hybrid gently rubbs his shoulder"

"...i-its my fault,s-sam.."


       Wilbur broke into sobs again, and it felt much heavier without techno in the room- oh god here we go. Wilburs ready to get his ass handed to him... He feels like he deserves it. Sam was loving, but scary as all hell when mad. No body hurts his kiddos..Wil doesn't feel like he deserves to be one.

    "S-sam... I crashed t-the car..."

Sams eyes go wide, but he allows him to explain

      "W-We got I-in an argument...j-just joking a-around- h-he nudged m-me and- w-we kept pushing e-eachother a-and I w-wasnt watching the r-rode-"

   Sam hugs the winged boy closer, wilburs tears shoak his soft green sweater

    "I-im so s-sorry, i-i never-" he manages through chokes sobbs "I n-never wanted t-to hurt h-him.."

Sam trys the tears away

"I know you would never, dear..."

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