So cold

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              The rain was oh so chilling, even more so then the snow last winter. Well, he had warmth to share in the quiet morning carrides. Q was always half asleep, and not very talkative in the early drives; so often with his head lied on the dashbord, window, or wilburs shoulder.

           But never mind that now, he had school today. He had stayed in the hospital that weekend. Schlatt, the father of Tommys school friend, had taken in the child in the older brothers sted, Allowing Phil and his wife to work. They got little to no news on the ever sleeping duck, but no news was better then bad new. But atlas, it was now Monday, and he had sience first.

          Gods he hated that class. Even though it had an amazing teacher, it held three of his main bullies. There was Jillian she was the classic better then you rich kid, then there is Tyler who was the head quarterback on the school's football team, and Jackson who was the vice president of the cheerleading team. Those three have been mostly relentless with their bullying after he had returned from the hospital in crutches and covered in bandages. Wilbur steps into the class and heads to a seat close to the window, Q's old favorite seat. He watched as students continued to trickled into the classroom as he silently hoped that the 'golden' trio wasn't here that day. But sadly he wasn't that lucky.

            But they only got to shoot their glare by the time the teacher walked in. All sat down and began to take notes from the bored as ms.smith gave his lecturer. Wilbur, however, couldn't bring himself to focus. So instead he doodled aimlessly on a blank paper. Feathers were his favorite things to sketch out, they reminded him of the other... soon the bell rang, beckoning him to his his next class. Math, 'Fuck. He thought about it for a long moment, before sneaking out to the parking lot. Breathing in the cold air and climbing up a willow tree. After a while of texting, techno and dream followed suit.

            Before Quackity was put in the hospital, the trio had been trying to match make Q, Karl, and Sapnap. Now though they skipped classes and talked about random things like now, they were sitting around and talking about the next football game

"The team is doing great with practice, although the golden boy keeps messing us up."Dream complained as the duo listened "Like he wants to hog the spotlight even though we're supposed to be a team"

      Techno nodded "I'm surprised you arent allowed to kick him of the team" Techno spoke

         "I really wish i could but you know how his parents are.."Dream sighed.

       Wilbur listened to them chat for a while he scrolled though his phone, looking through old photos of him and Q. Ones from birthday parties, ones from holidays, and so many more. Q being stuck in the hospital and unconscious was hell for everyone close to him. Wilbur misses the cuddles, the notes passed in class, the car rides filled with feathers and loud singing, and just Q being around in general. His presence brought so much warmth and happiness into his life and he misses it. He doesn't deserve to miss it.

      Techno looked to his brother in worry, squeezing his hand. Wilbur shakes out of his thoughts and turns to the younger.


"It's alright, wil... Breathe for a moment..."

"Tech-" People began to filter out for lunch. Had it really been that long? The group pile into dreams car. Techno insists on sitting in the back with his brother, dream drives as carefuly as he possibly can. They go by a fast food place. Gressy and cheep, but nostalgic all the same. Wilbur stares out the window as the other two continue their chat. He was glad they were close, techno didn't get along with others easily.

Regretting Recklessness, A Platonic Tnt Duo Story.Where stories live. Discover now