Dropping In

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Author POV

She was the smartest villain they had ever seen.

She had somehow taken over the whole city. She made her own army of Nindroids, took control of the local government, and had gotten hold of the Realm Crystal.

The ninja didn't even know how she got it. The alarms didn't go off when she broke into Borg Tower, and she had slipped outside unnoticed.

Well, unnoticed until now. She was standing right in front of the five ninjas in the middle of the street, with fifty Nindroids on either side of her in a sort of triangle formation, her being the middle of the triangle. Now they were all face to face, breathing heavily and heart rates reaching their limit. From stress or from running around saving the citizens from certain doom, they didn't know. Probably both.

"Why are you doing this, Ruckus?" Lloyd finally yelled.

"Well, I guess I just wanted to start a ruckus," she winked.

That earned a few eyerolls from Cole and Kai, who were standing on either side of Lloyd.

Lloyd took a step closer to her, now being about ten feet away. "It doesn't have to be this way, Ruckus. We can end this now if you just hand over the Realm Crystal."

"Why would I want to end it, after all this hard work I've put into taking over Ninjago?" she asked playfully, cocking her head to the side.

No reply.

The silence was eerie as they had a stare-off, both groups wondering who was going to make the first move.

Ruckus decided to fill the empty silence.

"Well, to answer your earlier question," she began, "I needed to prove a few people wrong in my life. A few people who have... doubted my abilities."

Kai scowled in disgust. "Big ego, much?"

"Speak for yourself," she countered.

She lifted the realm crystal to eye-level, studying it. "There's only one thing standing in my way."

"And what is that?" Zane asked.

"All of you."

She lifted the Realm Crystal up to the sun, a beam of light bouncing off its sparkling exterior. A large portal opened below the five ninjas, forcing them down into the depths of it. They screamed, but there was nothing they could do. All they could do was accept their fate as they were falling, falling, falling...

Your POV

You briskly walked down the hall. You needed to make it to the ballroom of your lavish palace, for your rehearsal dinner was going to begin in an hour's time. You quickly brushed off the front of your dress and pulled up the long gloves on your hands, also making sure your engagement ring was still on your left ring finger.

You were engaged to be married to Lord Desmond Everland. He was a very wealthy man, with only the finest of everything. Your parents thought he'd be fit to be the next king of your beloved realm, Thesia. But you didn't love him. Not one bit. He was snobby and rude and didn't care about the kingdom's people at all. All he wanted was power.

Rounding the corner, you entered the main room of the castle, not expecting to find your parents there. The king and queen of Thesia.

You glided down the steps, shooting a smile at your mother and father.

They smiled back at you. "Ah, hello, Y/N," your father said.

"Hello, Father," you replied.

"Are you ready for your rehearsal dinner?" your mother asked.

"I think so, yes," you said, mostly to yourself.

"Well then, our guests will be arriving shortly, let's hurry along," your father urged.

The three of you started to walk towards the ballroom, but were interrupted by the sound of the palace doors opening. You turned around, only to see five shivering men walking in, tracking in snow and dirt from their heavy boots.

You gasped, clasping a hand over your mouth. 

"The rehearsal dinner doesn't start for another hour," your father insisted, shooing them away with his hands.

"We're not here for a rehearsal dinner," said the metallic one.

Actually, you hadn't noticed him until now. His skin seemed to be made of metal, and his eyes were a brilliant icy blue. His voice sounded robotic.

You grabbed onto your father's arm, frightened by all of them. 

"Then why are you here?" your mother demanded.

"We're from another realm, Ninjago. A woman is trying to take over our realm, and she sent us here because we stood in her way," the blond one explained.

Your father looked him up and down. "And how do we know you're not lying?"

"Please, just trust us," the one dressed in blue begged.

"Well, what do you want us to do about your situation?" your mother asked.

"Help us find a way back," the tallest one suggested.

Your father sighed, taking a good look at them one last time. "Fine, we'll help you. But I suppose the rehearsal dinner must be cancelled for the time being."

You let go of your father's arm and decided to face them, despite your fear of these strange people. You stepped in front of your parents and did a low curtsy. "My name is Princess Y/N L/N."

The one with spiky hair plastered a sly look on his face and proudly sauntered towards you. He took your hand and kissed it. "Name's Kai Smith," he told you with pride.

You pulled your hand away and wiped it on your dress, slightly embarrassed. "Yes, lovely to meet you, Kai Smith."

Kai made his way back to his group, proud of himself even though he accomplished nothing.

"And what are your names?" You asked the rest of them.

"Cole Brookstone," said the tallest.

"My name is Zane Julien," the metallic one stated.

"I'm Lloyd Garmadon," the blond one said.

When you got to the one dressed in blue, he seemed a little dumbfounded at first. But he shook his head and pulled himself together. "I'm Jay Walker."

Zane and Kai could be heard whispering to eachother, just barely audible.

"She appears to be married- or engaged," Zane observed.

"How do you know that?" Kai whisper-shouted.

"Don't you see the ring on her left ring finger?" Zane said, pointing a finger at you.

Kai quietly cursed at himself for not noticing.

"Hey, um- by the way, what realm are we in?" Jay piped up.

"Oh! Welcome to the realm of Thesia."

Your mother chimed in, "You boys must be freezing. Is your realm as cold as ours?"

"Not normally, no," Lloyd chuckled.

"We'll have someone get you something to warm you up. Come along, we'll get you a cup of tea and you can tell us of your journey."


Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of Two Worlds Apart. I certainly hope it's good! I'll try to update regularly, but I apologize if I can't. I get writer's block a lot! Again, thank you for reading and have a wonderful day/night. :)

Word Count: 1078

Two Worlds Apart (Ninjago x Princess!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz