Tea With Uninvited Guests

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Your POV

You and your parents led the strange men to the tearoom of the castle.

Your mother gestured for them to sit down at the table in the middle of the room. They sank into the comfortable, red-cushioned chairs. You sat down in between Cole and Zane, still trying to get over your nervousness.

A maid that was already in the room lit the fireplace, while a butler with a kind smile poured cups of tea for each of you. "Thank you, Markus," you said to the butler.

"My pleasure," he replied, flashing his signature grin.

The maid and Markus grabbed blankets from the couch and draped them over the shoulders of the shivering men. You watched Cole draw the ends of the cloth close to him to trap in the warmth.

The king took a sip of his tea before beginning. "Bernadette, please cancel the rehearsal dinner. It seems we have... other matters to attend to this evening."

The maid nodded and rushed out of the room, her loafers clacking on the hardwood floors as she exited. 

You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. "So, how did you guys end up in our realm?"

Kai spoke while Lloyd took a sip of his tea. "A woman named Ruckus is trying to take over our realm," he said, clenching his fist in his lap. "She stole the Realm Crystal and sent us here."

"We had to walk, like, five miles," Jay whined. "In the SNOW!"

"I think I have heard of this 'Realm Crystal' you speak of," your mother chimed in. "I believe I read it in a book about other realms," she stirred her tea for a moment. "It allows you to travel between realms, correct?"

Lloyd nodded.

"Why did she send you here, of all people?" you asked.

"We're ninjas," Cole said matter-of-factly. "It's kind of our job to stop people like her."

You turned to Cole and looked him up and down. A ninja? He certainly didn't look like one. Sure, he was dressed in mostly black, but he didn't wear a mask or anything you would expect a stereotypical ninja to wear.

"You're all... ninjas," you repeated.

"And elemental masters," Zane added.

You turned to your other side. "What does that mean?"

"We all have elemental powers," he explained. "Take me for example, I'm the master of ice." He lifted his palm and aimed it at his teacup. A shard of ice shot out of his hand, quickly engulfing the cup and putting it in an ice prison.

You gasped, half amazed and half terrified. "What else can you guys do?"

"I'm the master of fire," Kai claimed.

"I have earth powers," said Cole.

"Master of lightning," Jay vocalized.

"I'm the master of energy," Lloyd stated.

This was crazy. Such a thing had never been heard of in your realm! How could five men have the power to control these elements?

"Does everyone in your realm have powers like this?" you asked.

"Not everyone," Cole clarified, "we're some of the lucky few."

You didn't know how to respond to that, so you chose to stay silent. You took a sip of your tea in attempt to fill the quiet void. Taking a quick glance at Jay, you noticed his prying eyes on you. Is he staring at me? you thought.

Cole kicked Jay under the table, causing you to have to stifle a laugh. Jay shot a threatening look at Cole in response. Kai giggled at their antics, almost spitting out his tea.

"I don't understand what is funny, Kai," Zane said plainly, tilting his head to the side a bit.

Kai coughed, choking on his drink. "Nothing, Zane," he managed to say.

"Are you alright?" you asked, trying to hold in your laughter.

"I'm fine," Kai insisted, pounding a fist on his chest and letting out another hack.

The king flinched at the boy's ungracefulness, stirring his tea uncomfortably.

"Is it always this cold here?" Lloyd inquired.

"Yes, it snows all year 'round," your father replied. "Is it not the same in Ninjago?"

"No, it's usually warm in Ninjago, actually."

"How... interesting."

Your mother stood up and offered a warm smile. "You boys must be tired from your journey. We'll have Stella fix some rooms for you, if you'd like to stay for the night."

"That'd be wonderful, thank you," said Lloyd.

Your father let out a sigh. "I think we're going to turn in for the night. You may stay up and look around the castle," he told them, "Stella will come find you and show you to your rooms when she is finished."

Your parents stood up and exited the room, leaving you in the room with these five men. Alone. You plastered a smile on your face as you looked around the table. "I think I'm finished for tonight, also," you said, setting down your teacup. "Goodnight."

You got up and walked to the door, hearing a couple of the guys blurt out a "Goodnight" before you left.

A strong feeling of resentment filled you, like something was going to happen to you. Whether it was good or bad, you couldn't tell.


Thank you for reading the second chapter. I hope you're enjoying the story unfold! I haven't put this much thought into a fanfiction in a while, so I surely hope it's good. The next chapter will be out soon! <3

Word Count: 844

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