Not Afraid Anymore

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Zane's POV

I hustled down the castle halls, making turns every few moments. I had already mapped out the interior of the castle last night before I went to bed, just in case I needed to know where something was. Today I needed to look in the castle's library for information about ways of traveling through realms so my brothers and I could get back to Ninjago.

I rounded yet another corner, almost nearing the library. I saw a sophisticated man in a pinstripe suit making his way in the opposite direction as me, straight ahead. I suppose he expected me to pass by him instead of the other way around, because he bumped right into me.

"Apologies, sir," I said to him.

He didn't respond, but looked at me with an expression of both confusion and disgust. "And just who are you, exactly?" he sneered.

"I am Zane, from the realm Ninjago," I replied. "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" he asked. "WHO AM I?" He repeated, a bit louder this time. "I am Lord Desmond Everland, future king of this kingdom. How dare you ask such a preposterous question!"

 Future King? I thought.

"Ah, are you engaged to Princess Y/N?" I inquired.

"Well, of course," he said harshly. "Are there any other princesses in this realm I am not aware of?"

I studied him for a moment. Why was the princess engaged to a man like this? She seemed sweet, and he was so sour. This does not compute.

"I do not believe there are," I recognized.

Lord Desmond rolled his eyes. He shooed me away with this hand before stomping his way into the hallway behind me.

I continued my stroll to the castle library, when I saw a familiar face appear in front of me.

Your POV

You stepped out of your room into the lengthy hallway, a couple of books in your hands. You yelped, surprised by the tall robotic man in front of you. The last person you were expecting to see was him.

"Apologies, Princess. Did I startle you?" he asked gently.

You took a deep breath and pulled yourself together, attempting to keep your composure. "No worries, Zane, I'm alright."

You walked past him, clutching your books close to your chest. You didn't dare look back, but the sound of footsteps was creeping up behind you quickly. Zane then materialized beside you, his eyes set on the wall at the end of the hallway. He turned his head and looked down at you. "Are you headed to the library aswell?"

You didn't make eye contact as you spoke. "I need to put these books back and find some new ones to read."

He nodded his head in understanding. "What genre of books do you enjoy?"

"I mostly like reading Sci-Fi, but sometimes I read Fantasy," you answered.

"I, too, enjoy Science Fiction," he beamed.

You offered him a glance and a smile. "Why are you headed to the library?"

"I thought that I could find some information on how to travel between realms," he explained, "So that my brothers and I can return to our home realm."

"I see," you spoke. "Would you like me to help?"

You didn't have anything better to do, and the sooner these weird people left, the better.

"That would be wonderful," he replied.

There was a moment of silence, and you decided you would be the one to fill it.

Two Worlds Apart (Ninjago x Princess!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now