Chapter 2: The Plan

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The song is I Found You by The Wanted. It's the fan version of the song. 

I'm currently obsessed with them. I am a directioner, but I still enjoy listening to The Wanted. 


“I suggest that the army goes into the tunnels, and goes up behind the enemy lines and attack them in the direction that they are not prepared.” Adam answered.

“Sounds like a plan.” Luke finally agreed.

I knew it wasn’t the best choice to do, but it was the only choice we had to win. Luke armed his troops and sent them on their way inside the tunnel. I met with him, right as he was right about to step into the tunnel. “I want to go with you.” I blurted suddenly.

“No! Absolutely not! You need to be here to run the kingdom. Besides, you don’t know how to fight.” Luke disproved.

“Why I know how to fight. My father taught me how to. I know how to use a cross bow properly.” I retorted.

“Let her come,” Adam quietly interrupted.

After a couple moments, Luke, reluctantly agreed to bring me. I actually have no idea why I blurted that I wanted to go. That was not like me. I use to hate all the lessons my father gave me about bows and arrows. He finally gave up on teaching me how to use a bow and arrow and gave me a crossbow instead. I didn’t know why I let my mother be by herself to rule the kingdom. Hopefully, no uprisings would happen when I would away.

As we stepped into the tunnel, I noticed that it was drastically colder in the tunnel than outside. It was so small, only one person could fit at a time. Luke was directly in front of me, looking like he was watching out for me, while Adam was behind me. “I should’ve brought a thicker coat,” I thought. I wondered how long this tunnel was. Why my father never bothered to mention this tunnel to my mom or to me. I never really knew what happened and why he died. I only knew that he went out of the kingdom to go hunting and never came back.

As we approached the exit, I could feel the fresh air brush my face. Luke helped me out of the tunnel as there were a couple of steps missing. When I stopped after I got out of the tunnel, I noticed that the exit was hidden cleverly. There were trees and vines all over the exit, you couldn’t even tell there was one. My dad was always clever, I admired him for that. “What are we doing now?” I questioned Luke.

Instead of Luke replying, Adam answered. “We will attack them from the back. They won’t even see us coming. I estimated the time to get there. I would take about a day, just to get close to their campsite.” Adam stated.

“I was going to answer that,” Luke shot back. “This was going to be a long day,” I thought. I never experienced anything like this before.

I realized that we actually weren’t that far away from our kingdom as I thought I was. I realized, that we were actually very close to our kingdom. We passed by a graveyard. I thought it looked familiar. Something shocked me. I then realized that it was my sister’s graveyard. I wondered if that lunatic was still at her grave. It would be absolutely pointless to go to her grave. I let that thought slip out of my mind, as I stepped on something. I stopped right on my tracks. I looked down and hysterically shrieked  so loud, everything in the world turned around to see what I was screaming about.

Sure enough, I saw a man, lying dead on the floor. There was a pool of blood beside him. It was the first time I saw someone dead. I was a horrible and nasty sight to see. Right after I shouted, Luke put his hand over my mouth, and hissed, “Shut up! You’re going to give away our place Chyna!”

After a couple moments, he said to me comfortingly, “It’s alright. You’re going to be alright. You are going to see plenty more people like this.”

I couldn’t reply to him. I could only put my head on his shoulder and sob quietly. He pulled me into a comforting hug. Adam then said to us quietly, “We should get going. We don’t want to delay the attack, Luke.”

Luke looked up to him, and nodded silently. He told Adam to tell the army to start along again. We started walking again, this time more alerted. I was too terrified to say anything. We decided to stop at a stop right in the middle of the enemy’s camp and my sister’s graveyard. We had all long gone to sleep, when I heard someone shuffle and get up. I sleepingly got up to see who had got up. I noticed that Luke was still sound asleep on the ground. I noticed that someone had got up, as a spot on the ground was empty, although I forgot who it was.

I saw a shadow in the woods and followed it. I had no clue where I was going. I seemed to head in a direction, that was not familiar to me. I walked quietly behind this guy, and saw a couple of tombstones. I then realized it was a graveyard. I then heard a guy sobbing near a tombstone. I saw that guy crying, although I could not make out his face, as there was no moonlight tonight. Could one of the soldiers be the husband of my dead sister? When he heard my feet shuffling, he turned around. I gasped in horror and disbelief.

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