Chapter 3: Too Late

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The song is called "Backtrack" by Rebecca Ferguson! Go check it out! She is one of the classiest singers I've ever listened to!


I was looking at the face of Adam. The man who was really leading our army, who seemed so strong-willed and determined. He looked so fragile, and heartbroken. For the first time, I saw him, with an expression on his face. As I got closer, his eyes revealed that he had been crying and were red. I couldn’t say anything, but only stare at him in pity. I felt so ashamed, that I was the one that made him banished from our kingdom. I felt so sorry that his most beloved died. I realized that this was all my fault.

He finally brought himself together, and again looked expressionless and quietly said two words, “I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for? I was the one that banished you from our kingdom. You are a good man.” I said.

“But I was banished from the kingdom. I’m sorry I returned. I wanted to help her kingdom, to gain your father and mother’s respect back,” uttered Adam.

He never did anything wrong. Why was I so stupid? He loved my sister. Why was I jealous that she had a lover, that I blamed everything on him? We sat near her grave silently.

He finally broke the silence and said, “I noticed you. Last time when you passed by this graveyard. You looked over at me. I pretended to not care. I knew who you were. You passed by without even a second glance.”

“I was annoyed. I thought you were a lunatic. I didn’t know what to think of you.”

“Do you still think I’m a lunatic?”

“No. You are so noble and dutiful. I wish we had more loyal people like you.”

Just then, someone interrupted our conversation. “There you are! I was so worried. I thought something had happened to you. Are you alright Chyna? What are you doing at your sister’s grave? Adam why are you here?” said a anxious Luke.

“I’m fine. I just thought it would be nice to pay my respects. Adam came with me to make sure I was fine.” I said, covering up for Adam. If Luke ever knew that Adam was Annabel’s husband, he surely would kill Adam right on the spot.

We quickly hustled over to the rest of the army. We were prepared for war. I was ready to give my revenge to the people that killed my father. He was one of the only person that actually cared about me. I’m done with all this dispute over everything. I really hope this war will end everything that happened before. All Luke needs to do is signal a messenger, and we attack the enemy’s lines. However, Adam insisted that we attack on daylight. Luke and I questioned why. “In the daylight? Are you crazy? They will see us from a mile away!” Luke indicated.

“I agree with Luke. I don’t think that would be a good idea Adam. They would see us, and attack us once we arrive at their campsite.” I insisted.

“They won’t suspect it. They are so focused on looking at our kingdom, seeing when we’ll get out, they won’t even notice us behind them. We could take a shortcut anyway, inside the woods. We don’t need to walk in the open fields anyway.” stated Adam.

That seemed like a good plan to me. Luke thought otherwise, but reluctantly, he gave in to Adam.  We’d attack them tomorrow just to completely prepare ourselves for war. Adam whispered something to a messenger, and the messenger hurried off, but I was too tired to ask what it was.They won’t even know what hit them until it’s too late. We are ready. “Try to get some sleep tonight,” sighed Luke.

I knew that he was right. I yawned loudly and curled myself into a ball on the ground, and slept soundly asleep. I heard someone getting up, which I presumed it was Adam and didn’t try to wake up. When I woke, the bright sun was shining on my face. I woke up to see Luke already up, staring intently at a tree. Everyone was still sound asleep. “You alright Luke?” I asked.

Luke seemed startled, then quickly came back to reality and replied, “Just a bit nervous. I never thought I would lead a whole army. Your dad use to lead the army. What if I’ve made a mistake? What if this is not the best plan?”

“This plan is the only plan we’ve got. There has bond to be some fighting. It might as well be now.” I replied reassuringly.

“I know. It’s just, i’m not sure on the timing. Something doesn’t seem right,” he expressed.

Just then, a messenger came up to us, and told us that we had to get ready for the war. It was going to be a long day.

I was beyond exhausted even though I still got a good night’s sleep. But we still had to move on. Adam was nowhere to be seen. He might’ve gone back to Annabel’s grave, I thought. He was supposed to be our guide in the woods. I guess we’ll have to go without him, I thought. Luke wasn’t in a terribly good mood, seeing that Adam wasn’t around to guide us. We had to use some of our senses, but finally managed to get through the woods.

An army was already there, waiting for us. We stopped on our tracks. Uh oh. Luke, quickly put me behind his back, and gave his signal to the messenger. This is how the war’s going to start. We then charged towards the enemy head first. Luke had gone away to fight, and I was left there standing, observing the horror. I never knew war was so brutal. It was horrifying to see. Men, dying all around me, on both the left and right. My head was spinning. I can’t do this. I’m going to die from fear. I didn’t have time to think. A man came up to me and almost put a sword through my heart. Luckily, I quickly ducked, and shot an arrow to his chest. He fell to the ground, silently.

That’s when everything got numb. I just killed a man. Oh my gosh, I killed a person. What is happening to me? I can’t do this. This was crazy. I’m out. I’m not doing this anymore. This was insane. This was not for a girl to be. I wasn’t as strong as men, I wasn’t as smart as men, I wasn’t anything better than them. I was backing out of the fighting, when I saw Luke.

I also saw a man come up behind him. I was about to shout that someone was behind him when a sword came through his back, and pierced his chest. He fell to the ground.

My heart was beating so fast, I thought I could just die right then. I ran with all my might to him. As the attacker was putting him down, I pulled out my crossbow, and pointed it at his back. As he turned around, I saw his face. My heart stopped right then.

I was staring into the face of my sister’s lover. Adam. This is all my sister’s fault, I thought.

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