1 | Miss Melatonin

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Shinso Hitoshi was floating on a cloud.

Not literally, of course, but the experience certainly felt like it. It was a soft and fluffy cloud that carried the teen away from all his worries, the same worries that kept him up at night unable to get a wink of sleep.

And this was no exaggeration. The young, aspiring hero had literally never felt this amazing. School, lack of friends, and constant training with Mr. Aizawa had kept the boy busy for weeks, draining him of every ounce of energy he had. It was why he was so desperate to hold onto the peaceful moment.

Wait a minute... wasn't he supposed to be training with Aizawa today?

Suddenly, the weight of his life sent him crashing through the dream cloud. He had to train. He had to work. He had to get his life together! With these soul-sucking revelations in mind, he forced his lavender eyes to open only for them to widen a millisecond later.

He was laying in a girl's lap.

He stared for a moment as did the owner of the eyes, a girl around his age dressed in a green dress. She smiled softly, an expression that brought crinkles in the corner of her e/c eyes and revealed a dimple on her right cheek. The sight momentarily took his breath away.

He jumped up, his face reddening slightly as he scampered backward.

"W-who are you?"

She looked confused for a moment, almost sad, but gave no answer. Shinso raised a brow, awaiting a reply from the stranger. Her eyebrows came together while she tapped her chin.

"Well?" he pressed, looking around. He saw the capture weapon given by Mr. Aizawa neatly folded and sitting next to his discarded school bag a foot away. That, along with another bag he concluded was hers. "And where is Mr. Aizawa?"

She pointed to herself, to be more specific her mouth, and then shook her head.

Shinso tilted his head, an action she apparently found amusing seeing her shoulders shook with quiet laughter. She put both her hands on her chest, nodding her head.

"You?" he guessed. He had no clue why she was playing charades with him right now, but if it meant he'd get answers, he'd reluctantly play along.

She crossed her arms in an x- shape whilst shaking her head.


She shook her head.


Her head bobbed up and down in agreement before raising her right hand next to her face. With the raised appendage, she opened and closed it. Her mouth reflected a similar action as if she were a strange ventriloquist doll.

"Talk...." he murmured. The dots finally connected, leaving him feeling embarrassed. "Oh, I see."

She nodded, fiddling with her fingers. That explained her lack of an answer and why she was going to answer with her hands. It didn't, however, explain why she was here and why he ended up sleeping in her lap.

"That doesn't explain why I was sleeping on your lap."

Her eyebrows came together as she appeared to think of a way to mime out how she'd explain herself. He raised a hand instead, saving her the trouble.

"It's fine. No need to make this more confusing. ," he murmured, running a hand through his hair. "Was that your quirk affecting me? I feel...amazing."

He wasn't lying either. He was actually refreshed for once and ready to take on anything. It was too bad he had nothing to use it on since Aizawa was nowhere in sig-

"Shinso," a familiar, low-energy voice called from behind him. Speak of the devil...

Shinso turned in relief to see his mentor, Aizawa, in his usual baggy training outfit.

"I see you met my niece," he said lowly as he looked between the two.

"Your niece?"

His mentor nodded. "L/N Y/N."

L/N Y/N? Niece!? Shinso glanced back at the girl. Y/N held up a peace sign as she stood up. Shinso looked away, trying not to accidentally get a peek at anything as the breeze ruffled the bottom of her dress. Aizawa walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. It was the most affection Shinso had ever seen the man display, meaning that it must have been true. Shinso still found it hard to believe, though, especially as he looked between the smiling sun goddess and sleep-deprived mummy next to her. Not that Shinso could judge, of course.

"Oh," was all he could muster as the information settled. "And she's here because..."

Aizawa glanced down at her, a look of fiery rage appearing.

"Someone got in trouble, so I had to get her out of it. I left you here to continue to practice with your capture weapon. I trust you used the time wisely."

Shinso gulped. "Yes, of course."

He averted his eyes, no doubt looking more suspicious but Aizawa shrugged it off.

"Good. Keep it up at home. We're cutting it short today."

He turned with one hand in his pocket and the other wrapped around Y/N's collar. Shinso watched as he pulled her along with him only for her to fight back.

"Y/N," he growled with a warning tone once she managed to struggle out of his hold.

The girl stood her ground, however, and signed something to her uncle. Shinso glanced at his mentor, impressed that he could keep up with her rapid, anger-fueled signs. Mr. Aizawa sighed and nodded. Shinso stiffened when his teacher settled his dark eyes on him.

"She wants to tell you that she didn't mean to scare you. You looked stressed, and she wanted to help you relax."

Shinso nodded.

"Even though she knows she isn't supposed to use her quirk on anyone," he added, giving her the side-eye.

Y/N looked in the opposite direction, shrugging.

Shinso snorted only to be silenced by the glare of his teacher. He tried to look at L/N instead, but she winked at him, which only made his embarrassment worse. He settled on looking at the grass.

"It's fine," he said before cautiously looking back at L/N. "It was...nice."

She smiled widely. Aizawa looked between the two, his eyes narrowing.

"Like I said: sessions over for today," he said gruffly before pulling the girl in the opposite direction. "Go home and rest up."

Shinso nodded, raising his hand to wave goodbye. Aizawa hadn't returned it, but that didn't really matter to the purple-haired hero-in-training. The wave was intended for his pretty e/c-eyed niece and much to his pleasure, she waved back.


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