4| Presentation

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Shinso woke up with papers stuck to his face.

He pulled the sheets away, cringing at the drool attached, and sat up to look around. He was in his bed, on top of the covers fully clothed. His dazed eyes glanced out the window where the sun shined through the window pane.

The sun was out? But he'd only been asleep for five minutes? Unless...

His eyes widened when they landed on his open laptop. The presentation.

"Shit," he whispered as he fumbled with the device. 

They all were going to kill him!

This was his chance to make it up to her. And he'd fallen asleep! He roared in frustration as he realized his frantic button smashing was doing nothing. The computer was dead. 


"Hm?" his Siri said, bringing his entire screen to life. It was then he saw what time it was. 

He was late.

Shinso launched himself out of the bed.

His eyes widened as felt his phone charger hook him by the ankles, sending him face-first into the ground. Groaning, he lifted his hand to his aching head. An immediate wave of stench reached his nostrils at the movement. 


Deodorant. He needed deodorant. He rushed to his dresser, found the white stick, and applied it quickly. He looked up in the mirror, finding that the chaotic state of his room resembled his chaotic resemblance.

A knock on the door broke through his crazed rush.

"Yeah?" he sighed.

His father peaked through the opening of the doorway, rubbing his lavender eyes. His similar-colored hair was droopy, unlike Shinso's wild bedhead that refused to comply under the pressure of his brush.

"You're going to be late," he mumbled before yawning.

Shinso mirrored the action as he continued to get ready.

"Yeah. I know," he snapped, not bothering to look at his dad as he hastily tied his tie.

The two were constantly on edge around each other. Shinso would usually say that it was because of his mom's death, but seeing that she had died years ago he felt it was more an excuse at this point. Maybe he just didn't want to admit that he couldn't stand his father. And if his dad noticed, then he surely didn't seem to care...much like he didn't care about anything. It was why he barely reacted when his wife died, didn't console his son for his loss at the sports festival, or even reprimand Shinso for his constant attitude.

Shinso wasn't surprised when he heard the door close gently. Any normal parent would have asked what was wrong or even offered to help. Not his dad. But Shinso didn't have time to care. The only thought in his mind was that he screwed up.

L/N was going to kill him.

The single thought had driven him to skip breakfast and race out the front door. He'd never ran so fast in his entire life. Glares followed him as he pushed his way on his usual crowded bus, but they couldn't be any worse than the look of disappointment and resentment L/N would surely give him. The thought of it made his chest tighten. 

Shinso glanced out of the window of the bus. 

Why did he crave her approval so much? It wasn't like he knew her that well, hell, he didn't even realize she was in his class till a week ago! Was it to get on Aizawa'a good side? Was he just desperate for a friend? Had his loneliness driven his need to please the girl who might as well have been a stranger to him? A familiar robotic voice announced his destination, stopping him from both answering his own questions and developing new ones.  

Miss Melatonin || H.ShinsoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ