Homophobic bitch

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People in my class were joking around saying inappropriate things, then one of them (straight female) said something along the likes of, "if you like girls that's disgusting" then paused and said, "except boys" we then had the following conversation/ argument,
Me: that sounds kinda homophobic
Her: no it's not, I can't be homophobic I have a trans cousin.
Me: just cause you have a trans family member doesn't mean you are not homophobic
(Btw, I used to be friends with her cousin but that was before they transitioned and I did not know until now they were trans)

We then stopped talking and I let it go cause I didn't want to argue, until I heard her talking about a trans girl in one of my other classes, I'm gonna call he Kate (not her real name)
Her: do you know Kate? Did you know he's trans?
Her friend:no? How's that?
Her: (name of boy in class)'s broth- sis- idk.
Her friend: still don't know.
Her: what was his dead name again?
Me: you should say someone's dead name, it is rude and disrespectful.
Her: how?
Me: because it is, and it's a dead name for a reason.
Her: but I know it I just forgot it,
Me: it doesn't matter.
(Btw I know her deadname but I refused to tell them)
She went and asked someone else (they are my friend) and they told her Kate's deadname.
Then my friend genuinely asked why it was wrong to say their dead name and I calmly explained because I wanted to educate not argue.

Then they started talking about the cousin:
Her: my cousin in's trans and he expects everyone to call him Sam instead of *deadname* and be referred to as she/her
Me: that's fair, they should be allowed to except that if they have asked.
Her: but after 16 years of people calling him *deadname* is hard.
Me: I understand, I had to do it with my sibling (my sibling is non-binary), but you will get used to it.
Her: but why can't I just call him *deadname*
Me: because it is disrespectful, you don't call they their deadname cause it's rude, it the reason I call my sibling *name* instead of their old name.
The teacher than called me away to do something cause I had said I would help with it,
As I'm walking away from this girl, a conversation with a year 12 (I'm year 10) in my class goes like this:
Y12: I love you
Me: why?
Y12) just cause
Me: is is because of the argument I was having with her?
Y12: *nods and laughed a bit*

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