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Everyday was chaos for her
her mind like a cyclone
It wasn't a war
but a war from within
a war from emotions
a war from tears

the inordinate struggle to get through a day
sometimes while enjoying with her friends,
wearing her happiness externally like a mask
it fit perfectly
until, she sat alone in her room at night
the deafening silence
the negative
self questioning thoughts
"am I worthy? "
" do I fit in?"
flooded her mind
consumed her like wildfire

Until one evening when her mother unpacked the old box full of albums
her family sitting around a warm bonfire with wine
laughing heartily
reminiscing about the good old times when she was young
when they got married
that day ,
with the sound of the faint burning bonfire
with the touch of the soft, tender breeze
the sound of relaxation filling the void of silence
circling back a thousand recaps
"everything is going to be alright"
she told herself
and suddenly she saw what true love felt like
It felt like warmth
It felt safe
it felt like hot chocolate on a rainy day
It felt like fulfilment

At that moment, even if for a second
she let go of all her sorrows and worries
for once, she decided to live in the moment and give it all
sometimes , you have to let go of what you're holding on to
they say time is the best healer
but how would it heal if you won't let it?

Forestfire Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant