Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

We laid together under the dove tree after the deed was done. Alix's chest was damp with sweat, but I didn't care. I wanted to lay on his chest and breath him in until my breath was as much me as it was particles of him.

I felt as though I wanted to lay here beside him forever.

"I hate myself for your control over me," I whispered. "For what I would have to forsake to be yours."

"You don't have to fear the pack or your place in it," Alix whispered and caressed my hair. His touch now was gentle and sweet. It confused me that the man who brought me so much misery also brought me in equal amounts the greatest pleasure. "I would never hurt you in a way that I could not fix. Not the way Julong did."

"Really?" I demanded in disbelief. "You would not? Have you seen how those shewolves look at you? You are their Alpha. One day, you'll grow tired of your half-breed mate, and you'll find yourself a younger, more obedient, more willing wolf to rule by your side. I don't belong with your people, Alix. Can't you see that?"

"Perhaps," Alix started and then paused. He dropped his fingers from my hair and laid his hand on his chest. He stared up at the stars, and I saw his expression soften. For a second, he looked at peace as though he were thinking about something pleasant that had nothing to do with me or the war at hand.

"Then let me go."

"Back to the humans?"

"Yes! Where else would I go? I lived among the humans my entire life. I-I belong among them."

"You hide among them."

"Yes, but better to hide among humans than to serve as a slave to an Alpha."

"If that is the only way you will have it, then . . . "

I held my breath. I waited for Alix to finish that sentence. I expected him to sigh in defeat and agree to let me go. He stared at the stars for a moment, and the silence between us was thick enough to cut with a saber. I almost thought he thought better of the implications of those words and would return to being the obstinate Alpha captor. I saw the muscle in Alix's jaw flex again as though he was thinking of saying a great deal but was in the process of swallowing his words. I expected him to change his mind and tell me that he would starve me, imprison me, bleed me dry until I agreed to be his obedient little Luna. Instead, Alix laid his hand down on my face and whispered an altogether different set of words into my ear.

"Let me go with you."

"W-what?" I asked, unable to believe my ears. Alix sat up so that he could look me in the face. I thought he was joking, but his expression was earnest.

"Yes, you opened the connection between us before healing me and giving me back my Lycan powers. You can open that connection again to make a part of me human again. The part of me that would give away my disguise, my moonlit eyes."

"I-I can, but Alix, why would you do such a thing? If I took away your wolfish eyes, your packmates would not accept you as their leader. They would kill you for being less than fully Lycan."

"I don't care. If it is the only way I can be with you, then so be it."

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