Me and HIV

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In the shadow, I'm always with you.

In the shadow, I'm always alone.

I gave you lots of presents to share my feelings.

I had mouth sores, a fever, and lots of headaches.

I was surprised when you saw your doctor.

You do not like my gifts?

I felt awful and my symptoms seem odd.

Seeing a doctor seem like the right choice for me

You did many tests. Why?

Do you not know who I am?

Many tests were done on me.

The results shocked me to the core

What's with the shocked face?

It's only me! Your one true friend — HIV

I got that disease.

The disease that can be the very death of me.

Stop! What are you doing?

You can't get rid of me!

I cannot get rid of you.

That is sadly true.

But with this pill

And a family that supports me

I can slow the damage

Making it bearable

To live with you — HIV

Tales of the BeyondTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang