Chapter 2

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Your POV:

The movie was getting a bit boring so I wasn't watching it. I was looking at my shoes, then up at the stars, over at my friends, then around me. I catch sight of a recognisable face. I smile when I realise it's that boy from the diner.

I waved at him and to my surprise, he waved back. He leaned over to one of the boys next to him, whispering something, before getting up and coming over to me. He sat down beside me and introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Sodapop, but my friends just call me Soda" He said with a smile. I could see him properly now. His hair was a dark golden colour that was combed back, and had dark brown eyes. He was really handsome. He looked like some sort of movie star. He had a friendly, cheerful look in his eyes which I liked.

"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you, Soda" I said. "Do you wanna get out of here? Bit hard to have a conversation and we might end up annoying a few people by talking" He says and I nod. We get up and he goes over to the boy he was sat beside before he came over to me. He tells him something, then comes back to me, leading me away from the crowd, down the street.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier, I was sort of staring at you" He says, rubbing his neck. "Oh don't worry, I didn't mind. You're not a creepy old man. Besides, I'm quite used to it" I tell him. He smiles. "Were you here alone?" He asks. "No, I was with some friends but they all I had dates for the movie so I just sat away from them. I didn't really care much though. I'm one of the only few who's single in our friendgroup" I say.

I wasn't too bothered about being single. Most of my friends had boyfriends and even less of them had decent ones.

Majority of boys my friends dated were jerks who thought all high and mighty of themselves, but my friends only liked them because of their looks and were partially blind to their boyfriend's rudeness.

"I came with some friends and my brother but I usually cant finish a movie completely, I generally lose interest in them about half way through. I only came along since I had nothing better to do". Soda tells me. "I got a bit bored of the movie so I'm happy to accompany you" I said.

Soda and I kept walking and we talked about ourselves and asked about each other.

"I have two brothers, older and younger. I'm the middle child. My older brother, Darry, he's 20. He works 2 jobs to support the three of us since our parents died in an accident last year. We weren't able to afford putting him through college so now he works real hard for us. My younger brother, Ponyboy, he's 14. He gets good grades and does track. I'm 16. I dropped out of school though, I'm not smart. I work at a local gas station with my best friend, Steve, we fix cars. I work full time where as Steve only does part-time. I really don't like it when Darry and Pony get into arguments with each other.. but aside from that, we get on pretty well" He says.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your parents, Soda". I say apologetically. "It's alright. I've been rambling for a while, how about you tell me about you're life?" He grinned.

I talk about my family and my life and we seem to have a few things in common with one another. "You seem to have an interesting life" he chuckled.

He tells me about his friends and their gang and funny stories about them. They seemed to be quite close.

We had been walking for a long while, about an hour and a half, and we started walking in the direction of my house together. The night was cold and I left my my jacket in my friend's car. Soda gave me his flannel, which was kind of him.

"Are you sure? Won't you be cold yourself?" I ask. He shakes his head, saying "I'll be fine, don't worry". I accept his offer, since I'm freezing. We talked about our interests and hobbies and other random topics that came up.

It's quite late so he walks me all the way home. "I hope to see you around. It was really nice meeting you" I say, leaning on the porch wall. "I do too, I enjoyed our conversations a lot" and he smiles. "Now I best be off before Darry comes looking for me. Night" he says. "Goodnight". I wave before he leaves and continues on down the road home.

I enjoyed our chats too and hearing about his life and friends. I do hope to see him again, and I'd like to meet his gang. I made my way to my room and flopped onto my bed. I was exhausted and it didn't take me long to fall asleep once I had curled up under the covers.

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