Chapter 3

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Soda's POV:

I left (Y/N)'s house and walked home. It was late but I was hoping Darry didn't give out to me.

I felt a spark while with that girl. Something undescribable..

I opened the front door, and I can hear the gang howling, knowing I was home. I went inside and kicked off my shoes and let myself fall onto the sofa.

"He has himself a broad, what's she like?" Steve says. Two-Bit chimes in "She was a good-looking one too!". "We're not dating, I only just met her for crying out loud!" I tell them. "Won't be long, Soda" Steve elbows me.

The boys in our gang have a habit of teasing each one another if they're out with a girl for any length of time, but since I was out for a long while I'll never hear the end of this

"So that's where you were" Darry says, walking into the living room. "Don't you dare start, Darry". I groaned slightly. "Hey, where's Ponyboy and Johnny?" I asked, hoping to change the subject. "They're in the bedroom. We betted on when you'd get with your new girl". Two-Bit said. "YOU WHAT!?"

"We all betted on you askin' out that broad. I bet it'll be within the next 5 days" Two-Bit teased. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I let out a sigh. "You guys are unbelievable".

"You better give us a nice detailed telling of you're adventure with the good-lookin' broad" Steve said. "Why are you all so interested? We just befriended each other" I say. "It's gonna happen one day!" Steve remarked. "Oh shut it" I say. "We just walked down the road, talking about anything and everything. She told me about her family, her life, what she likes and things like that, and I did the same. It was nice".

"I bet it was. We haven't seen you as happy since Sandy was around" Steve said. I glared at him. "Steve." "My bad".

We don't talk about Sandy. She's my ex girlfriend. I loved her with my heart and soul, but she got pregnant with another man's child and moved to Florida.

"Right, I'm goin' for a smoke, who's coming?" Steve says, changing the subject. "Toss me one" Two-Bit responds.

I get up but I don't follow them. I don't usually smoke, only when something's bothering me or when I want to look tough. Darry comes over, patting me on the back. "Don't listen to Steve, he didn't mean to bring her up in a bad way".

I shrugged. "I'm over her, It's fine." And went to mine and Pony's shared room. Johnny and Ponyboy came out just as I came in. "Hey Sodapop" Pony said quite cheerfully. "Hey". The two of them went outside for a smoke with the rest before the gang all headed home for the night. I threw myself onto my bed and yawned. I thought about (Y/N) and smiled

I really liked her. The was just something about her that I was drawn to, but I just couldn't figure out what.

I heard footsteps approaching the door and saw a head poke around the door. It was Pony. "Hey, the gang's gone. How was you're time with that girl?" He said as he flopped down beside me. "Oh, Ponyboy, she's amazing, let me tell you".

I told Pony most things. I trusted him more than anyone and I was happy to have someone I could talk to about anything. We're real close, I mean, he is my little brother after all. I was close with Darry too, closer than anyone else was to him, but he doesn't understand certain things, or else he's always busy and doesn't have time for my rants and rambles. Pony, however, has time to listen to me and doesn't judge. He rants to me sometimes too, and I always listen to him.

"Her name's (Y/N). She's funny and kind, we were laughing the whole time. She told me her stories about her life and family and I told her mine. And she's absolutely gorgeous. Her (H/C) hair contrasts with her eyes, her face is shaped nicely. (Y/N)'s really somethin' else".

"(Y/N).." Pony says. "She sounds great". "She's more than great!" I exclaim.

We spend the next 30 minutes talking about (Y/N). It's only when Darry comes in and tells us to be quiet that we stop and go to sleep. I found it hard to sleep though, I kept tossing and turning. My mind kept replaying the conversations and fun I had with (Y/N). It took a while, but I eventually fell asleep thinking about her. I can't wait to see her again.

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