(Chapter 11: New blood)

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It's 3:30 and I get ready to go see Chris, my mind still in a clusterfuck but trying to think positive at the same time. I keep my hair in a messy bun and throw on some gray jeggings, a regular black tee, my combat boots and my chained leather jacket to match. I was too lazy to try to throw on any makeup, after all I'm only going to go eat and watch a movie. I texted him to let him know I was ready and sent him my address to pick me up, he replied quickly and told me he was on his way. "This should help me relax, I can't get Brandon out of my head...I know we ended on a horrible note, but he really didn't deserve to die." Tears were beginning to shed but was put into a halt as my phone went off: " I'm here you can come down to meet me." I grab my things to get up and leave....I hope this seriously helps me.

I came downstairs from my home and saw Chris, he was leaning on his car which from the looks of it was a black Toyota Camry. He looked up and smiled at me...I melted a little, He has such a beautiful smile that can make anyone's mood elevate. "Okay this is a wonderful distraction for me" I say to myself. "Well you look just as gorgeous barefaced..I wanna see that more often, Jarlene." Chris says to me as he leads me to the passenger side of the car. He lets me in and closes the door behind me and proceeds to go to his side. He's such a gentleman and I couldn't help but have a tiny bit of attraction from it, a bonus from him being beautiful already.

He strapped himself in and looked at me, asking me if I was comfortable. I told him yes and we made our way to a nearby movie theater that was downtown. "How are you feeling after last night? I know you're probably still feeling fucked up from that." Chris asks me. "Yeah it's still a hard pill to swallow...I know he treated me horribly but for that to happen...It scared me. I never in my life expected to see death in such a tragic way." I explained to him. "Well maybe a comedy is a best fit for tonight, getting a laugh out might help a little." Yeah he's right, no other genre of movie will be a mood saver other than a comedy...that's only if it can make me laugh anyway. We get to the theater and make our way to the concession stands..I have a weird combination that I get every time which is extra buttery popcorn with peanut m&ms and sour gummies mixed with it. Chris looks at me in confusion: " and how are you not 200 pounds again?" I laughed at his response, I'm sometimes even questioning myself every once in a while with the weird crazy shit that I eat.

We decided to go watch this new comedy called "Samuel" and go to find close seats by the screen. I was kinda excited to see it because Ryan Reynolds was in it...He's my favorite actor plus he's such an attractive man to look at. We sat down and I didn't waste any time eating my popcorn, I could never wait for the movie to start yet I would be in a sour mood when I have nothing to eat while watching it. "You know you gotta leave some room in that belly, we are going out to eat after this." Chris whispered to me. Lucky for him, I got the appetite of a 500 pound man so he has nothing to worry about. The movie was about an hour and a half long and it resulted in nothing but gut busting laughter. I never laughed this hard in my life at anything and it made me feel so much better...Chris really was my life saver through all of this and I started to fall for him, but I wanna keep it platonic for now.

We walk out the theater and make our way back to the car, still laughing and talking about what our favorite scenes were from the movie. "I think that had to be the funniest movie of this year, I thought I was going to piss myself." Chris said to me. I agreed with him and had to gather myself all over again from laughing too hard. "All that laughter definitely worked up my appetite though. I feel like I can eat a whole pig." "I bet you could have Ms. Butter candy popcorn." Chris chuckled. We get into the car and leave to go to Tito's barbecue, which is one of the best restaurants in town. My stomach growled loudly the whole car ride there and both of us started laughing at it. "Jesus Jar, are you hiding a bear in there?" "Nope, I'm looking for those baby back ribs that's waiting for me." I responded, holding my stomach and smacking it like a bongo. 

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