you know the deal.

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"Pirates? Marines? Revolutionaries? I don't care anymore. All I need to find is the path meant for me. The path that leads to true justice!"

Haru Matsumoto

Haku Matsumoto.. or as some people call him, borb (because he does end up looking like a damn birb orb if he is cold), seems to be a generic 24 year old marines soldier- and really, there seems to be nothing really... special about him. Just a young human man who had a generic past (with his loving parents and an older sister) and came from the South Blue, from an Island called Briss Kingdom..

Haku is a gentle soul, which led him down the path of becoming a doctor.. But he dropped his dream to follow his sister into the marines. That woman- very different from him- is reckless and believes in applying justice through violent measures more than anyone else. Knowing that, he wanted to protect her from herself.. her recklessness- Since that job is full of dangers. But he ended up in a different branch than her.. still. There is some sort of friendly rivalry going on between them.. But through time he became warier of the justice code of the marines. Technically he is still searching for his own moral code... and weird things marines did. It wouldn't take much to get him out of the marines, if it weren't for his sister- that said, his worst fear is losing her, and wants to prevent that at any. ANY. cost.

Usually, he would wear your standard marine soldier uniform (since I'm using a Picrew, I can't really find exactly that, so I made him wear something he'd probably wear in his spare time)- and as I said.. He looks really generic. Then again, he does try to not stand out negatively as to not attract bad attention to his name and give his sister trouble. He doesn't always wear the blindfold- he takes it off to fight. He just tries to sharpen his haki with it.. and it's more symbolical as to him still blindly going through this world. He would be of rather average to smallish height, standing at 178cm, and weighs about 64 kg. He needs to be lighter for his devil fruit to work- and our little borb isn't exactly a glutton. He eatss to function, not because he enjoys it.

In battle he likes to use bow and arrow- similar to the kuja he coats them with haki. He shoots multiple at a time, and has noo problem reloading. But since its standart practice to use rifles, he is or often seen with those, even if he doesn't like them because of the loud noise. He stopped complaining a long time ago though. Sometimes, if he really needs to he uses a few ... I think they're called Senbon? (They're weapons used in narruto, I couldn't find any real life info.. or I just didn't research hard enough) coated in muscle relaxant- as the name says, that liquid makes his enemies basically go limp in max. a minute. if anyone needs reference- Caesar used it against Brownbeard. If anything else fails or he is up against a Logia, he can shoot out his feathers (Hawks says hellow here), also coated in Haki. They're limited though, since they don't just regrow in a few seconds. It does take time to get them back, so if he shoots to many he also can'f fly and is basically helpless. Haru prefers to do thing in the direction of scouting & spying as well as information gathering and prefers to be a sharpshooter in a fight. usually his attacks are very fast and make little to no noise, if he has to he also uses his claws to strike. he did train a little bit for fighting in close range, but experts wouldn't have a hard time overwhelming him.

He is a Zoan user, having eaten from the tori-tori no Mi, model short eared owl. (they are so flipping cute tho.). He has the basic three forms, but atleast got around to transforming only selected body parts- well, for now only his arms- into wings. Which he also can coat in haki and use as swords. But he doesn't resort to this often, since he hasn't trained to be a swordman.. or anything in that direction. He, as all zoan users do, gets a boost in strength and a grow in height in hybrid and beast form- even though short-eared owls are much, much smaller in real life (Like really. 40 cm? Thats like.. so small. But as we saw from Ulti, that logic doesn't apply here. Her dino form would be smaller than a human as well if the anime was scientifically correct.). He also gets to have great eyes, which also change their color to a bright yellow- however, if he uses those pair of eyes he becomes incredibly long-sighted. Which means.. he can't see things near him- so if you manage to come near him he won't recognize you. HE CAN'T SEE SHIT BRO HE JUST CAN'T- well and then he has hella good ears.. and different than other Zoans he flies without making a sound.

and our boi also has a bit of medical knowledge (and great memory, he aabsorbs knowleddge like a sponge)! Of course he won't compare to real doctors, but if there are none, he probably is the best option to chose.

Haru loves, loves, loves meat. Aside from that, his hobbies consist of flipping through medical-centeredd books every now and than- you'd often find him chat with doctors or nurses in their free time- if they really have any. On the contrary, he hates sadists.. piratess for the most parts. yes, you have nice people like the straw hats (which he wouldnt mind-), or the Whitebeard crew- but then you have Kidd (Sorry Kidd fans) or Kaido who cause pain on a daily basis- usually. Thats the type of pirate he despises. Aside from that he also detests loud noises- especially while using his devil fruit. To high noises could even make him stop just to cover his ears mid-battle. Oh yeah since he is a softie he hates insults. Watch him sulk for a few days after you insulted him. (or, do a foxy mid battle)- of course, if he is stuck in a very serious situation he can ignore that urge.

being the naive soldier he is, he wants to erase all pirates he deems evil.. and become a vice admiral- boiyo is working hard.

Also he wants to surpass his sister. Also working hard. But she isn't very weak, so he has a long, long way to go.

 But she isn't very weak, so he has a long, long way to go

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