Jojo Part 4

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_Personal ___d (●o●) __

Name: Rei Matsumoto (actually Reina)
Nickname, alias: Thick Skull (can be taken literally. )
Gender: female
Sexuality: . . . she's still questioning it. No information
Age: 18
Personality: always a sarcastic remark on her lips, she seems to be a rather harsh person. Tough love seems to be something she relies on a lot. What is most striking is that Rei is really way too honest. She usually only means well but it doesn't really deliver that well. Possesses a Good work ethnic and is a person who always tackles problems directly instead of avoiding them. always very Determined.
Dislikes: laziness, just do nothing (taking breaks? We don't know her), hates sour food really and liars, which explains her brutal honesty.
Preferences: she loves coffee. And tea. Generally hot drinks. Her stand is an intelligent one and she can also talk to it. Seems funny.
Hair color: Light brown
Eye colour: Yellow
Skin color: Image, because. . I can't describe them
Body: Fit- she is such a little parkour fanatic.
Height: with her 175cm she isn't to big nor too small. . that's how she feels about her height.
Weight: varies between 62 & 65 kg
Piercings or scars: a few scars from the stupid accidents. She does not have earrings yet, but she definitely has to get some stitched
Hobbies: Parkour of course! and talk to Achilles Last Stand.
Motto: "If you can do it, then you should. "
Past: . . . nothing spectacular. A child with two parents, in a peaceful city. What was supposed to happen? That's what Rei always told herself Until some crazy guy came and shot her with an arrow. Great. Now she's got a stand and has to live with it. It isn't something she despises but it can get unnerving and stressful.
Goals/Dreams: to live a good life. But secretly she wants to become a writer.
____Stand___ ( ̄) ̄;)
Name: Achilles last stand (range: 6m)
Capabilities: reinforcement- with the help of the stand you can analyze and strengthen different things on contact with their structure. This allows materials that would otherwise be much too weak to be used as weapons. But even otherwise, not even one's own bodily functions are excluded – it can increase vision and its bodily strength.


Destructive power: C
Speed: C
Range: B
Persistence: A
Precision: B
Development Potential: C

Intelligent: yes[x] no [ ] -> Damn thirsty for knowledge and can't keep its mouth shut.
Weaknesses: Analysing takes a little time. Half a minute's in. And reinforcement is just reinforcement. . A glass doesn't turn into a rock-hard thing. It is only more stable than before, not indestructible- Achilles last stand can defend itself with fists and wings (e. g. as shield), but can be surpassed, in speed and strength.
Other info: Achilles last stand is a female stand, which is humanoid, but has wings. However, the wings are positioned at the coccyx. They never really seem to come to use, as the stand floats all the time anyway. However, it is possible for Rei to only manifest the wings (like Jotaro, who for example repelled himself against buildings) in order to fly with them. Despite the strange position, it seems to be working. The stand itself has the same body structure as the User, but is black – with the limbs and wing tips ending in a purple color gradient. The eyes are stingy yellow-like Rei's.
____Defence without standing?____
Yes[x] no[ ] ???
If so, legs. And Headbutts – her big skull specializes in it
Weapons: no.
Strengths: Well. . . The head butts hurt and Rei's strength should not be underestimated.
Weaknesses: It happens again and again that Rei feels dizzy afterward. And then she has to sit down a bit. Depending on how strong the opponent is, it becomes critical.

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 I simply found it on Pinterest

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