Part 10

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The bood that still remained in me felt like it was all drained out. I was as pale as if the soldier had already commited suicide to me. As if he strangled me. I stood there, unable to speak. I looked around me if there was anything I could use to distract the soldier. But there was nothing. This was the end... I thought. I closed my eyes tight and held my breath. I was gonna die with no laughter, no exciment, or humanity. But nothing happened. "Ahahaha hahaha!!!" I opened one of my eyes, seeing the tough soldier laughing as if he were insane. I threw out a perplexed look and was like huh? Then I started joining the laughter, but soon the tough guy stopped and started weeping instead. There was something he was hiding. But what could it possib- " Listen child. You and a third of the population are still able to live. Run now and don't let them get you. Here... take this with you." I looked up at him, his eyes cold and mournful eyes. I coudn't bear to look at him. It just made me feel as if I were the one to kill him. He took something out of his pocket and layed it onto my hands. I grasped the object and nodded. Then, without hesitation, he took a knife out of his pocket anc said 'Cheers my child. We will we be together forever now' and stabbed himself right into his cold hearted heart. Thick, dark crimson liquid slowly oozed out of the laceration. My mouth slowly hanged open, my body unable to move, my eyes wide opened. I felt as if for the first time, my body could have malfunction right there. To never move again. But my mind refused to stay in one place and guided my body outside so I could catch up with my sister, Maya.

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