The Cliff;

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Oh... I'm back there again. At the cliff. It's not been a long time since my last visit. I'm surprised it was this quick. I look around by habit. The same weather, the same rocky soil on which I'm standing barefoot, the same dryness in the air. It hasn't changed in quite a bit by now. I accustomed to it. I'm a bit uncomfortable there but at least I'm alone.

Alone. That's something I'm accustomed too.

I don't try to move again. I already know it won't work.

Suddenly, some wind starts to blow my hair. That's weird. It's the first time. I can't say I'm surprised . Nothing can surprise me these days. Nothing can make me feel anything actually...


After coming back, I'm drained of all energy. I wanted to study today. And to bake some cupcakes. Seems like I won't be able to do neither. I take refuge under my desk. I've decorated a bit. It's my little bubble.

In the evening, I lock my doors. I can't deal with anybody tonight. I've had my share of social interaction today.

Chaotic life of Bea or "theory of the isolated sheep"  Where stories live. Discover now