Help, please? 🫠

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I need to write a essay for may and I have absolutely no idea what I can write about.
It's supposed to be 7 to 30 pages long and my brain is just empty.

It can be about teens and obstacles they have to go through but it doesn't have to be.
I read the essay of a talented friend who already finished his and it's about a boy who observes people from his window, who hasn't come out of his room for a long time and who needs therapy and it's a really good story!
My only "okay" idea is writing a story about a family with parents that fight and later their divorce and stuff but all from the pont of view of their fridge? I know it's weird as fuck but I have no other idea right now.

Please please please help me. There's no creativity left in me 🥲.
So if you have ANY idea at all, I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm practically praying rn for a revelation of some sort, and because my English teacher is being a bit pushy I lied and told her I already started😭

Anyway, I'm probably fucked.

But thank you so FREAKING much if you help me out. It would save me from a very bad grade and a public humiliation (cause yh, my teacher likes to do that).

Chaotic life of Bea or "theory of the isolated sheep"  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt