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Honestly I had big dreams for this pRoJeCt but I've kinda given up so I'll just write random stuff that I want to write.
This whole book is going to be unhinged, I kid you not.

Anyways, do you sometimes think like "omg this would be a good place/situation/time to die?
Like sometimes I'm just walking or in a car and I'm like, I wouldn't mind dying rn.
Like am I the only one? Idk.

I'm currently in the airport. There's a problem with the plane and we were supposed to go like an hour ago. Also they only have 3 hours of free wifi so I ran out.
The flight was only supposed to last 10 hours but I've just learned we're stopping in Jamaica. Like tf? So it's gonna last longer now.
Also I ate Taco Bell for the first time today and let me tell you, I am not impressed.  I spilled some sauce on my sweatpants (which I am just now realising are getting short) so I'm rlly uncomfortable rn.
At least the seats are green and comfy.

Now can we talk about the difference between admitting someone is attractive (or just handsome/pretty) and being attracted to them? Cause one friend of mine can not understand that yes, I admit that dude is handsome but no I am still not straight.

Btw, happy Easter to anyone who's celebrating. My family doesn't. We used to get chocolate.

The end of my two weeks holidays is approaching and you would not believe the amount of procrastinating that I have done. It's insane.
I have a karate belt exam in 21 days and still know nothing (🎶). I am absolutely terrified but still can't get myself to start.

Okay so my flight's delayed a hour and a half.

Fun fact about myself: I don't like Pringles.
Another fun fact:  my favourite pair of shoes kinda look like Converse(s?) but aren't. They have a thick striped sole, are light blue and have little daisies on them. I think the brand is British knights or smt like that.
Fun fact n°3 and 4: I walked 14 thousand steps the day before yesterday and I reinstalled Instagram yesterday.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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