who's more likely to? (pewd's edition)

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remember that video of felix, mark and jack playing 'who would most likely'?
well, now let's ask those questions to the ninjas!

Who is more likely to suck a dick for 1 million?

Lloyd: I would totally do that
Kai: I mean we're talking about money( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nya: me too I guess
Jay: here goes my PS5!!!
Cole: why not? I mean it's for money..
Zane: g-guys-

Who looks the best naked?

Lloyd: Honestly, Cole's body a temple.
Kai: wow Lloyd, that's a betrayal there..
Nya: of course it's me!
Jay: y-yeah Nya..you a 100%..
Cole: thanks green machine! I think that me too!
Zane: who chose those questions?

Who watches the most porn?

Lloyd: probably Jay or Kai..or maybe Nya?
Kai: Jay. 100% Jay.
Nya: sorry but bro...
Jay: Aw c'mon! why me???
Cole: Yeah that's a tie between these two.
Zane: can we stop that please?

Who is more likely to be a drama queen?

Lloyd: Me, Nya or Jay for sure.
Kai: Jay is so dramatic
Nya: Like Lloyd said.
Jay: can y'all stop saying me all the time?
Cole: Jay probably
Zane: finally a normal question.

Who's more likely to die first?

Lloyd: well, I die all the time but I somehow survive anyway, so I'd say Kai or Jay.
Kai: Jay again.
Nya: oh I'm sorry Jay but-
Cole: c'mon dude it's okay..but yeah, you'd die.
Zane: I'm gonna have to agree with everyone.

Who is more likely to murder their partner?

Lloyd: uhmmm..
Kai: What??? I would never-
Nya: Kai.
Jay: Kai.
Cole: Kai.
Zane: sorry brother.

Who is more likely to take a selfie naked?

Lloyd: Definitely Kai.
Kai: I mean I'm pretty hot..
Nya: my stupid brother.
Jay: Red boi.
Cole: Kai as well.
Zane: But didn't Kai took one last week-

Who is more likely to kiss another man?

Lloyd: me. duh.
Kai: Lloyd.
Nya: my son.
Jay: Lloyd.
Cole: green machine.
Zane: Didn't we all knew that?

Who is more likely to cry during a movie?

Kai: Greenie
Nya: 🎵 das my besfriend 🎵
Jay: Lloyd.
Cole: Lloyd.
Zane: He cries all the time. it is not a surprise.

Who is more likely to crash and burn?

Lloyd: let's skip this question because obviously the only answer is Kai.
Kai: but-

Who is more likely to cut off a limb for success?

Kai: Guys please stop looking at me!

Who's most likely going to run into a burning building?

Kai: y'all are basically saying I'm dumb?
Jay: because you are.

Who's more likely to have a sex change?

Jay: why is everyone suddenly looking at me..?

Oooooooooooooooh that was shitty
Anyways I miss this trio😭

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