Space Aces Angel AU

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This is a stand-alone fic where Alistair's an angel and Aeson is a human.


Worse things have certainly happened, Aeson is positive of that, but this is pretty bad. Okay, maybe not bad, more just insanely troublesome and inconvenient. To anyone else, it would probably even be a blessing. 

 To be visited by an angel.
 But for someone like Aeson, who just wants to live a quiet and uneventful life, who doesn't even believe in that sort of thing, it's one of the worst possible things to happen to them. 

It was a purely coincidental encounter, Aeson is certain. They'd come across a drunkard passed out on the bench at their bus stop and they don't know what came over them, but they helped the young man that night before carrying on home. The next day, the man from the bus stop showed up at Aeson's doorstep, claiming to be a fallen angel wanting to thank Aeson for their goodwill. And now the angel won't leave them alone no matter how much Aeson asks him to.

It's been a very trying few weeks.

 "I'm working now, don't bother me." Aeson glances at the angel—Alistair—glaring harshly before leaving the living room. Aeson sequesters themself in their studio. They're a freelance artist, allowing themself to work from home.

Working's been hard to do with an unwanted guest getting into trouble every minute of the day, so Aeson's vowed they'll get some real work done today to make up for the lost time before they get even more stressed out than they already are.

They sit down, put on some music and get down to business. Aeson works for maybe fifteen minutes before there's a scream for help elsewhere in the apartment. They want to ignore it and keep working but they can't ignore the urgency in the angel's voice.

Aeson paused the music, quickly saving their work. They hastily extricate themself from their desk and chair and rush out of their office into the living where they heard the scream originate. 

Aeson't isn't sure what they're expecting to find. A bloody crime scene maybe. Or a scene of utter destruction maybe, from the way Alistair shrieked. They certainly weren't expecting what reality has to offer.

Alistair, an actual holy being, crouched atop the couch using a throw pillow as a meagre shield. He's cowering pathetically, whimpering like a frightened animal. Aeson't doesn't see the cause for distress right away. They're too busy internally mocking Alistair to notice. It's only when the angel notices Aeson that they find out the source because Alistair oh so helpfully points it out, frantically pointing at Aeson's cat. 

Ah, they know what happened now. 

"What's wrong, now?" They still want to know and hear it from the angel himself though. 

Alistair's hand shakes as he points at Nuggy Chicky, who is sitting down on the floor, grooming herself in a very innocently, but smug manner. As cats do. 

"It attacked me! Your feline beast bit me!" The angel wails. Aeson can't see any visible marks or blood on Alistair so at most it was probably just a warning nip on Nuggy Chicky's part and nothing more. 

"Well, were you bothering her?" Aeson asks condescendingly, showing no concern for the angel. 

Alistair turns shocked eyes on the human. "Are you trying to say I deserve to be attacked?" he demands indignantly. 

Aeson doesn't confirm nor deny. 

Alistair huffs when Aeson doesn't respond, his hand lowering from his assailant as he focuses on Aeson. "Even so," Alistair starts to say, "doesn't your beast know I'm an angel?"

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