Space Aces in Formal Wear

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"You can't be serious," Ace groaned as he gazed begrudgingly at the bed, more specifically, at the knee-length renaissance dress laid neatly across it. Behind him, Aec chuckled darkly.

"Oh, I'm serious." They stepped to Ace's side, joining him in staring at the dress presented. 

The dress looks okay if not a bit ugly. The colours are purple, blue and salmon, not a good mix.

"No, I'll look so foolish. I'll stand out too," Ace complained, turning to Aec with an anguished expression. Aec merely bent down and grabbed the dress by the hanger and turned to Ace. They held the garment up to Ace and evaluated how well it'll fit him while Ace made noises of protest. 

"Oh, hush, love," Aec chided their whining boyfriend before setting the dress back down, now leaving it crumpled and folded on the bed. "You know you have to wear this and there's no getting out of it."

Ace conceded with a slump of his shoulders and sat on the bed with a heavy plop. He dipped into the mattress before bouncing lightly.

Aec shook their head at how Ace was acting. It was his own fault that he had to wear a dress. He messed up and ate Aec's cake and to make it up to Aec, Ace pledged that he would do anything (within reason) that Aec asked of him. So, they are asking him to wear a dress to their next date and Ace can't say no.

Ace lied down on the bed and spread his arms out. He heaved a heavy sigh as Aec moved around the bed to the door. 

"You just stay here and pout then, I'm going to go and watch TV." It was a harsh farewell, something normal for Aec. It didn't help that they were unimpressed with their boyfriend's attitude though.

Ace lifted his head and watched as Aec walked out briskly with their hands in their hoodie pocket. As soon as they were gone, Ace felt cold, all alone in the bedroom. He rolled his head to the side and glared at the dress beside him. He resented the clothing with all he could. It was ugly and embarrassing and he was going to look so stupid on his date. People were going to laugh and stare at him, maybe even take pictures when he's not looking.

"God, why are they such an evil jerk sometimes?" Ace pondered to himself about his enbyfriend. 

Ace hauled himself up on the bed and got to his feet. Obviously, there was no pleading with Aec, the dress was happening, but Ace was still going to give them a piece of his mind, or at least get an explanation as to why this was the price for the cake.

Ace left the bedroom in a huff and stomped into the living room where he heard the TV on, playing whatever episode of Bleach Aec was watching.

"Love! We're not done talking about this!" Ace announced with a shout. The TV paused. Ace stomped in front of it and faced Aec, who was lounging in their seat on the couch. They were slouched back into the cushions with their hand resting on their stomach lazily, the other putting the remote down before going to their stomach.

"Yes, we are. You're wearing that and we're going to go and eat dinner and have a walk through the park, then we're coming home, end of discussion. If you didn't want this, you shouldn't have eaten my cake and then tried to hide it from me." The icy tone to their voice made Ace shiver and want to step down from his position and just accept everything, but he couldn't. He couldn't just let Aec embarrass them like this in public for something so trivial like a slice of cake being eaten. Though, Ace knew that even though it was trivial to him, it wasn't to Aec. 

That was the thing with Aec, they were mature, yes, but even mature people have their childish moments, and for Aec, this was that. They couldn't just forgive and forget like people expect them to. They held grudges and got even with people, it wasn't a nice trait for Aec, but they didn't try to work on it. 

Ace clenched his hands into tight fists and stuck them in his pockets and held his ground. 

"Love, I apologized and I said I would get you some cake to make up for it. You don't need to publicly humiliate me like this because you're mad at me. Why are you doing this?" Ace stepped toward Aec with a pleading expression. Even with how well these two knew each other, it wasn't like they could read each other's minds. Sometimes, what Aec did made no sense to Ace.

Aec let out an annoyed sigh and pushed themself forward, no longer reclining into the couch. "I don't like it when you lie to me, it bothers me and I hate it when you eat my desserts without asking, and I want to make sure you've learned your lesson. So, I've gotten you a dress, something I know you despise wearing, and I want you to wear it for me," they said with a low, commanding tone, so sure of what they were saying. The large, cat-fur covered black hoodie, messy long hair in a low ponytail, and sweats riding up unevenly on their legs gave such a different effect in comparison to their voice, their hard-set gaze and harsh posture all just screaming power and confidence. Aec attracted Ace and made him fall for them every time he saw them like this, so sure of themself and confident and uncaring of their shabby appearance because they knew how amazing they always looked. 

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