The tragic incident

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Ashley began to think of the last time she was in a situation like this. She shook her head, trying to ward off the memories. Her parents. . . The darkness. . . It was all coming back to her. the memories played back in her head as if it had only happened yesterday. ~In her memories~ The shadows were slowly creeping up on her and her parents, as the day turned into night. She remembered seeing her sisters running around outside. She felt something grab her, and she screamed. She saw her parents turn around, and grab her hands, ripping her away from the shadows. She saw figures appear from the the shadows, and her eyes went wide as they continuously stabbed her parents, then chopped their heads off. She was hyperventilating, and she had pushed herself up on a wall. She was completely pale, and in complete and utter shock. The figures slowly turned around to her, and she couldn't move. Her breathing stopped. She couldn't do anything. A hand grabbed her arm lightly, and pulled her to her feet. The next thing she knew, she was running, the boy still holding onto her arm. He got her outside, to where her sisters were, but she wouldn't say a word, which was unusual. Her sister, Angel, ran up to her, trying to find out what was wrong. She was looking at the ground, In too much shock to do anything. Their was terror seen in her crystal blue eyes, her long, black hair covering her face. She was shivering, her skin extremely cold, and pale. ~She snaps out of it when she hears something coming towards her~ Her body was shivering, as it had been before, but she bravely spoke "Who is their? What do you want?!"

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