The truth is out

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Ashley's POV.

He was just getting back to the city, and quickly got her to the doctors. Her breathing had worsened, and she haden't awoken still. She had a large bump on the back of her neck, that put her in tremendous pain. He laid her down on the bed, and called for the doctor, there was no time to lose. "Clove!! Clove, hurry!!!!!!" He yelled, tears running down his face, as the girl in his arms seemed to be fading. 

Clove's POV.

She came running in, taking a look at the girl "I need an oxygen mask and 20CC's of Anesthesia stat!" She yelled "Ashley, you need to leave. I'll take care of her, and I'll send someone to find you after the surgery.

~Time skip. Three hours later. (Princess) Ashley was just getting out of surgery. She had been bleeding internally, and that's why she wasn't waking up before. She was now hooked up to an IV filled with blood, and she has a slight concussion, but other than that, she was fine. She was still hooked up to the breathing machine, but that was only for precaussionary measures. Clove had sent someone to go find Ashley.~

Ashley's POV.

The guys had gotten back, and they were all with him. He was a mess. He was scared, and worried. "This is why I don't fall in love" He said weakly, as tears fell from his eyes. Hearing his name being called, he got up,and went to the window. It was a child calling him "What is it?" He asked softly. The child spoke up "Miss Clove wanted me to tell you that Miss Ashley is out of surgery, she's okay!" The child said with a bright smile. Ashley ran to the door, and ran out, quickly running to the infermary.

(Princess) Ashley's POV

She was just waking up, a thick layer of bandages on her ribcage and her arm. Her crystal blue eyes opening slightly, and she looked around. She was still weak, but she had some energy. She saw Clove across the room, and attempted to speak, ignoring the fact that there was a breathing mask on her face. "M....My....My sisters..... W...W.....Where....Where are....They?" She asked in a weak voice, but smiled a bit as she saw Ashley, who came over to her straight away

Ashley's POV.

"My princess." He said with a smile, gently caressing her cheek " I need to tell you something.... For real this time..." He said softly, putting his hand on hers. His brown eyes stared into her crystal blue eyes, and he gently spoke. "I...I love you... Please... Please never do anything like that again...I was so worried... And so scared" 

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